very new to shopsite, and e-commerce as well actually.
few questions and not sure about where to find the answers, neither is hosting company, so, could use some help.
Apologies if these are commonly asked, or already explained questions, did look and was unable to find it.
have a shopping cart created using the custom template cookbook, custom shopping cart tutorial. (very helpful by the way, best thing seen, [once found])
For better reference, here is the address to this specific set-up:
from this entry page, if you scroll down and 'add to cart' and enter the shopping cart:
- How to remove the "SKU" from this table?
if you then select a payment option and continue to the next page, like to know:
- How and where to access the formatting options for the fields that are 'shopsite generated'?(my term)
example, the Email field, First Name field, Last Name field, etc.
- Specifically, attempting to move the red asterisks from the end of the field name to the right of the actual field.
- Specifically, attempting to right align the field names to the left side of the fields to standardized the styling between custom fields and shopsite fields.
it's very possible/probable that I'm missing something further upstream...
Perhaps I should be aware of a way to simply "turn off" the shopsite generated fields altogether, and then be able to control the layout of all the fields together?...
This brings me to the next and final question, which is, where is the point of control for the custom field(s) error message formatting?
So, currently, if you as a visitor, don't fill out the required field "last name" which is a "shopsite generated" field you get an error message. If you as a visitor don't fill out the information on one of my custom required fields, you get a different error message.
Can you help me to get a better understanding of:
- why these are different?
can they look/be the same?
How to control the formatting for the error message for the custom fields?
I really appreciate any and all support/guidance you are able to offer.
thank you,