OrderAnywhere Product HTML Code Changes the StoreID

General ShopSite user discussion

OrderAnywhere Product HTML Code Changes the StoreID

Postby sellmethemoney » Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:04 pm

I am not sure if this is right, but I want to confirm.

I have several products in my store that are not in ShopSite pages. They are called in my company website using the direct links from the OrderANywhere HTML code. I copied the HTML code of these products to my website database and generate my website pages from it.

When a user clicks a button in my website that is for a certain product, they get the chosen product added to the shopping cart.

The problem is that everytime I click on the ShopSite control Panel:

Merchandising Tools > Order Anywhere > Show All HTML Code

The HTML code storeid section of my products changes slightly. Here are some examples:


All my existing products html code start like each line shown above. All of them change when I click the Show All HTML button

Apparently, all original and subsequent updated links do work even if the current HTML code ni the ShopSite control panel is different. Is this normal? Do all the storeid changes mean the same (in this case, my store unique ID)? Why does it change? Does it need to?

I want to make sure that I don't need to update the company website database everytime I click on the Show All HTML code button and that even if the html code changes in the control panel, the original ones I still have in my website database will still work.


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Location: Chicago, IL

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:37 pm

The encrypted version of the storeid will appear different each time it is generated, but each encrypted version will map back to your store's unique storeid. So as long as you didn't actually re-install your store and change the real storeid when doing so, all of the encrypted storeid values in existing shopping cart links (add to cart, view cart, search, coupon, associate, gift certificate, etc, links) will still work just fine.

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Postby sellmethemoney » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:31 am

That's what I thought.

I haven't changed my unique stored id or re-install my store. I guess I don't need to worry then.

Thanks Loren!
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:00 am
Location: Chicago, IL

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