Sagepay / Protx integration

General ShopSite user discussion

Sagepay / Protx integration

Postby arta!!ack » Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:23 am


We have 3 sites at the moment with payment details being collected via our own ssl secured page and processed using sagepay.

I am about to start a 4th site and would like the payments hosted by Sagepay rather than ourselves.

I presume this can be done, but not too sure if Shopsite is hard coded in some way to just use our payment page or if it can be set up to point to Sagepay`s payment page.

It may be a case of setting up a new vendor name, but I am really not sure.

I have had a chat with Sagepay, but not sure of the settings in Shopstie.

In the Protx VSP Direct Settings nothing can be changed really except for vendor name.

Yours Arthur.
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Location: Lancashire UK

Postby Jim » Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:46 pm

I don't believe there is a way to switch the ShopSite SagePay implementation to accept payment that are done on the SagePay site.

The engineer that works on payment gateways is on vacation right now so I can't get details but I'm pretty sure that is the case.
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