Need help

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Need help

Postby didifack » Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:24 pm

I have just got access to shopsite through ipage hosting. I am trying to figure out how to do advance editing. I need a way to edit the code or much more in depth and detailed options from the browser development interface.

Please any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Location: london

Postby Jim » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:22 am

I'm not sure what you mean by " do advance editing" What are you trying to edit? What product level of ShopSite do you have, Pro, Manager or Starter (look in the footer on the main backoffice screen and it will tell you there. If you aren't on the main screen click on the ShopSite in the upper left of the navbar and it will take you to the main screen)

If you are trying to display more of the page and product fields in the back office of your merchant interface then at the bottom of the Pages or Products screen there will be a link that either says Advanced Editing or Basic Editing (Depending on which you are currently in) By clicking that link you can switch between the Basic editing and the advanced editing.

If you have Pro or Manager level you can work with custom templates under Merchandising> Custom Templates.
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Postby didifack » Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:50 pm

Thanks for the reply.

Ill try to be clearer. I have the basic version.

Is it at all possible to edit the page layout? If I want to add more text fields, change their position, so on? I cant even seem to make a page dedicated to a specific product.

Any more help would be appreciated.
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Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:21 pm
Location: london

Postby Jim » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:07 pm

The ShopSite Starter level is limited in many ways, you have a limit to the number of pages (i think 5) and products (I think 15). Individual products cannot have more information pages since there is a 5 page limit. There is no interface to create or use custom templates. etc.

You can see a feature comparison at

I know the manager version cost more but you get many more features and flexibility in that version.
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