Product not registering template change?

Questions and answers about ShopSite Custom Templates

Product not registering template change?

Postby Gavbd » Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:11 am

Hi, I'm currently working on a site and have changed the css/images and have copied an existing template wherein I've linked to the new css and called it a new name.

When I apply my new template by going in to edit layout and selecting it then saving and publishing site the page looks like it hasn't had it's template changed. None of the layout changes at all and indeed viewing source shows that the old template -

<meta name="generator" content="ShopSite Pro 10 sp1 r2 (data - seooptimised-page)">

is still referenced and the old css is still linked to.

Is there a possibility mine could be being overwritten? Is there something else I should be changing?

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:55 am
Location: UK

Postby Jim » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:07 am

What type of template are you modifying, a page, product, moreinfo, etc.

If a product template then the page template may be overriding the product template by specifying a template to be used on the page instead of the product's assigned template.

Look in the [-- Loop Products --] section of the page template and see if the [-- Product --] tag has a template name after the product i.e. [-- Product templatename --]. If that is the case then inorder for your product template to be used you would have to remove the templatename from that tag.
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Posts: 4953
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:42 pm
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Postby Gavbd » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:42 am

Thanks for the reply, here's the product template I'm trying to apply, all I can see is something called more info - [-- IF PRODUCT.MoreInformationTitle --]

Could the template need applying to a "more info" page or am I missing something? My added part that its ignoring is the "/media/new.css" bit

Thanks (sorry for the long post)

#CrossSell-Sky Product Template
#copyright 2006 ShopSite inc. Design by Andy
#Note: subproducts are treated as cross-sell links
[-- INCLUDE CrossSell-Sky-pr-vars.sst PROCESS --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]\');">[-- PRODUCT.Name JS_ENCODE --]</a>');
<a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</a>
[-- ELSE --]
<a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL BASE --]/order.cgi" method="post" onSubmit="javascript:__utmLinkPost(this)">
[-- ELSE --]
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL BASE --]/order.cgi" method="post">
[-- END_IF --]
<span class="subprInfo">[-- PRODUCT.Name --]<br>
[-- VAR.SaleOn "no" --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.SaleOn--]
[-- IF PRODUCT.SaleAmount --]
[-- VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
[-- Else --]
[-- VAR.SaleOn "no" --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]

# if merchant wants price displayed
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --]
[--STORE.Price --]:[-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --]
<input type=text name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:price" size="4" maxlength="10" value="">
[-- ELSE --]

[-- IF VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
<strike>[-- PRODUCT.Price --]</strike>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
<strike>[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]</strike>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- ELSE --]
# product is not on sale
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.Price --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
# merchant does not want price displayed, but is there a sale price?
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
#don't display sale price
[-- ELSE_IF VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
# display sale price, but not regular price
[-- IF VAR.MoreInfoPage "yes" --]
# do nothing
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- END_IF --]

[-- END_IF --]

<input type=hidden name=storeid value=[-- store_id --]>
<input type=hidden name=dbname value=products>
<input type=hidden name=function value=add>
<input type=hidden name=itemnum value=[-- product.recordnumber --]>

[-- IF VAR.AddButtonGraphic --]
<input type=image class="add" src="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[-- VAR.Media --]/[-- VAR.AddButtonGraphic --]" name="Add to Cart" alt="Add to Cart">
<input type=image class="add-img" [--addimage--]>
[-- ELSE --]
<input class="add" type=submit value="[-- ADDTEXT --]">
[-- END_IF --]

[-- END_IF --]

### Set a bunch of variables ###
[-- VAR.TableLayout no --]
#[-- VAR.Form no --]
[-- VAR.Options no --]
[-- VAR.Quantity no --]
[-- VAR.Graphic no --]
[-- INCLUDE CrossSell-Sky-pr-vars.sst PROCESS --]
### Start the form for Add to Cart button ###

<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL BASE --]/order.cgi" method="post" onSubmit="javascript:__utmLinkPost(this)">
[-- ELSE --]
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL BASE --]/order.cgi" method="post">
[-- END_IF --]

<div class="productGraphic" style="text-align: [-- VAR.ProductAlignment --]; float: [-- VAR.ProductFloat --];">
[-- IF PRODUCT.Graphic --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]\');">');
<a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">
[-- ELSE --]
<a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayGraphic --]
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]
</div><!-- end productGraphic -->

<div class="productName">
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableName? --]
<span class="VariableProductName">
[-- STORE.ProductName --]: <input type=text name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:name" size="20" maxlength="100" value="">
[-- ELSE --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a class="linkToPage" href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]\');">');
<a class="linkToPage" href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">
[-- ELSE --]
<a class="linkToPage" href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayName --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.NameSize Begin --]
[-- PRODUCT.Name --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize End --][-- PRODUCT.NameStyle End --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a class="linkToPage" href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]\');">');
<a class="linkToPage" href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">
[-- ELSE --]
<a class="linkToPage" href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayName --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.NameSize Begin --]
[-- PRODUCT.Name --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize End --][-- PRODUCT.NameStyle End --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
<div class="productDescription">
[-- IF PRODUCT.ProductDescription --]
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize Begin --]
[-- PRODUCT.ProductDescription --]
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize End --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle End --]
[-- END_IF --]
</div> <!-- end productDescription -->

[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplaySKU --]
<div class="productSku">
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle Begin --]
[-- STORE.SKU --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableSKU? --]
<input type=text name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:sku" size="4" maxlength="10" value="">
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.SKUSize End --]
</div> <!-- end productSku -->
[-- END_IF --]
</div><!-- end productName -->

# ###################
# ###################

[-- VAR.SaleOn "no" --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.SaleOn--]
[-- IF PRODUCT.SaleAmount --]
[-- VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
[-- Else --]
[-- VAR.SaleOn "no" --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]

# if merchant wants price displayed
<div class="productPrice">
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --]
[--STORE.Price --]:[-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
<input type=text name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:price" size="4" maxlength="10" value="">
[-- ELSE --]

[-- IF VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
<strike>[-- PRODUCT.Price --]</strike>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
<strike>[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]</strike>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- END_IF --]
<span class="onsale">[-- STORE.OnSaleText --]</span>

[-- ELSE --]
# product is not on sale
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.Price --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
# merchant does not want price displayed, but is there a sale price?
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
#don't display sale price
[-- ELSE_IF VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
# display sale price, but not regular price
[-- IF VAR.MoreInfoPage "yes" --]
# do nothing
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- END_IF --]
<span class="onsale">[-- STORE.OnSaleText --]</span>
[-- END_IF --]

[-- END_IF --]

</div> <!-- end productPrice -->

<div class="checkout">
# ######################
# ######################
[-- IF PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]
<div class="QPtable">
[-- PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]
[-- END_IF --]

<input type=hidden name=storeid value=[-- store_id --]>
<input type=hidden name=dbname value=products>
<input type=hidden name=function value=add>
<input type=hidden name=itemnum value=[-- product.recordnumber --]>

[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionText --]
[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderQuantity checked --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --]
#do nothing
[-- ELSE --]
[-- IF VAR.MoreInfoPage "yes" --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- STORE.Qty --] <input type=text size=2 name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:qnty" value="1" >  
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF VAR.AddButtonGraphic --]
<input type=image class="add" src="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[-- VAR.Media --]/[-- VAR.AddButtonGraphic --]" name="Add to Cart" alt="Add to Cart">
<input type=image class="add-img" [--addimage--]>
[-- ELSE --]
<input class="add" type=submit value="[-- ADDTEXT --]">
[-- END_IF --]

# ### Product View Cart Button ###
[-- IF ViewImage? --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a class="viewcart-img" href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]\');"><img [-- viewimage--]></a>');
<a class="viewcart-img" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]"><img [-- viewimage--]></a>
[-- ELSE --]
<a class="viewcart-img" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]"><img [-- viewimage--]></a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a class="viewcart" href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]\');">[-- ViewText --]</a> ');
<a class="viewcart" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]">[-- ViewText --]</a>
[-- ELSE --]
<a class="viewcart" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]">[-- ViewText --]</a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
</div><!-- end checkout -->

[-- INCLUDE CrossSell-Sky-vars.sst PROCESS --]
[-- INCLUDE CrossSell-Sky-pr-vars.sst PROCESS --]
[-- VAR.define "more_info" --]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
[-- IF PRODUCT.MoreInformationTitle --]

<title>[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationTitle --]</title>
[-- ELSE --]
<title>[-- STORE.Name --]: [-- PRODUCT.Name --]</title>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.MoreInformationMetaDescription --]
<meta name="description" content="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationMetaDescription --]">
[-- ELSE --]
<meta name="description" content="[-- STORE.Name --]: [-- PRODUCT.Name --]">
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.MoreInformationMetaKeywords --]
<meta name="keywords" content="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationMetaKeywords --]">
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.SearchKeywords --]
<meta name="keywords" content="[-- PRODUCT.SearchKeywords --]">
[-- ELSE --]
<meta name="keywords" content="[-- PRODUCT.Name --], [-- STORE.Name --]">
[-- END_IF --]

<meta name="robots" content="index,follow">


<link href="/media/new.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="/media/seo-optimised-page.js"></script>

<div id="masthead">
[-- IF MORE_INFO.DisplayPageHeader --]
<div id="univ-header">
[-- HEADER --]

[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF MiniCart --]
<div id="miniCart">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
DisplayMiniCart("ss_cart_[-- STORE_Serial_Number --]","ItemCount");
[-- ELSE --]
<div id="miniCart">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a class="MiniCart" href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]\');">[-- STORE.SC_YourShoppingCart --]</a>');
<a class="MiniCart" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]">[-- STORE.SC_YourShoppingCart --]</a>
[-- ELSE --]
<a class="MiniCart" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]">[-- STORE.SC_YourShoppingCart --]</a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
<div id="globalNav">

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- MyStoreURL --]\');">[-- STORE.Home --]</a>');
<a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- STORE.Home --]</a>
[-- ELSE --]
<a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- STORE.Home --]</a>
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF SC_Registration --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF GiftCert --]
 |   [-- GiftCertLink --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- VAR.tell_friend_link PRODUCT.Name --]
 |   [-- TELLAFRIEND VAR.tell_friend_link --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]

</div> <!-- end globalNav -->

<!-- end masthead -->

<div id="[-- VAR.ContentDivMI --]">
<div class="content-wrapper">
<h2 id="pageName">[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</h2>
<div class="mi-text1">
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL BASE --]/order.cgi" method="post" onSubmit="javascript:__utmLinkPost(this)">
[-- ELSE --]
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL BASE --]/order.cgi" method="post">
[-- END_IF --]
<div class="mi-productBlock">
<div class="mi-productGraphic">
[-- IF PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --]
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --]
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.DisplayGraphic --]
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --]
[-- END_IF --]
</div><!-- end productGraphic -->
<div class="mi-productInfowrap">
<div class="mi-productDescription">
[-- IF PRODUCT.MoreInformationText --]
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationText --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize End --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle End --]
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.ProductDescription --]
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.ProductDescription --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize End --][-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle End --]

[-- END_IF --]
</div> <!-- end productDescription -->
<div class="add-to-basket"> <!-- start basket wrapper -->
<div class="mi-productName">

[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableName? --]
<span class="VariableProductName">
[-- STORE.ProductName --]: <input type=text name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:name" size="20" maxlength="100" value="">
[-- ELSE --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.NameSize Begin --]
[-- PRODUCT.Name --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize End --][-- PRODUCT.NameStyle End --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.NameSize Begin --]
[-- PRODUCT.Name --]
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize End --][-- PRODUCT.NameStyle End --]
[-- END_IF --]
</div><!-- end mi-productName -->
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplaySKU --]
<div class="productSku">
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle Begin --]
[-- STORE.SKU --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableSKU? --]
<input type=text name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:sku" size="4" maxlength="10" value="">
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.SKUSize End --]
</div> <!-- end productSku -->
[-- END_IF --]

# ###################
# ###################

[-- VAR.SaleOn "no" --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.SaleOn--]
[-- IF PRODUCT.SaleAmount --]
[-- VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
[-- Else --]
[-- VAR.SaleOn "no" --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]

# if merchant wants price displayed

<div class="mi-productPrice">
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --]

[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
<b>[--STORE.Price --]:</b> [-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]<input type=text name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:price" size="4" maxlength="10" value="">
[-- ELSE --]

[-- IF VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
<strike>[-- PRODUCT.Price --]</strike>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
<strike>[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]</strike>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- END_IF --]
<span class="onsale">[-- STORE.OnSaleText --]</span>

[-- ELSE --]
# product is not on sale
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.Price --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
# merchant does not want price displayed, but is there a sale price?
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
#don't display sale price
[-- ELSE_IF VAR.SaleOn "yes" --]
# display sale price, but not regular price
[-- IF VAR.MoreInfoPage "yes" --]
# do nothing
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice--]
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --][-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --][-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --][-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --]
[-- END_IF --]
<span class="onsale">[-- STORE.OnSaleText --]</span>
[-- END_IF --]

[-- END_IF --]
</div><!-- end mi-productPrice -->

<div class="mi-checkout">
# ######################
# ######################
[-- IF PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]
<div class="QPtable">
[-- PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]
[-- END_IF --]

<input type=hidden name=storeid value=[-- store_id --]>
<input type=hidden name=dbname value=products>
<input type=hidden name=function value=add>
<input type=hidden name=itemnum value=[-- product.recordnumber --]>

[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionText --]
[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderQuantity checked --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --]
#do nothing
[-- ELSE --]
[-- IF VAR.MoreInfoPage "yes" --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- STORE.Qty --] <input type=text size=2 name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:qnty" value="1" >  
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF VAR.AddButtonGraphic --]
<input type=image class="add" src="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[-- VAR.Media --]/[-- VAR.AddButtonGraphic --]" name="Add to Cart" alt="Add to Cart">
<input type=image class="add-img" [--addimage--]>
[-- ELSE --]
<input class="add" type=submit value="[-- ADDTEXT --]">
[-- END_IF --]

# ### Product View Cart Button ###
[-- IF ViewImage? --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a class="viewcart-img" href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]\');"><img [-- viewimage--]></a>');
<a class="viewcart-img" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]"><img [-- viewimage--]></a>
[-- ELSE --]
<a class="viewcart-img" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]"><img [-- viewimage--]></a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a class="viewcart" href="javascript:__utmLinker(\'[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]\');">[-- ViewText --]</a>');
<a class="viewcart" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]">[-- ViewText --]</a>
[-- ELSE --]
<a class="viewcart" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]">[-- ViewText --]</a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
</div><!-- end mi-checkout -->
</div><!-- end productInfowrap -->
</div><!-- start basket wrapper -->
<div class="clear"></div>

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:px; padding-top:20px"></iframe>

</div> <!-- end productBlock -->
</div><!-- end text1 -->
</div><!-- end contentwrapper -->
</div><!--end [-- VAR.ContentDivMI --] -->

[-- IF VAR.DisplayNavMI "yes" --]
<div id="navBar">
[-- IF STORE.Type "STARTER" --]
#no search
[-- ELSE --]
[-- IF VAR.ShowSearchField "Yes" --]
<div id="search">
<h2>[-- STORE.175 --]</h2>
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --]/productsearch.cgi?storeid=[-- STORE.ID --]" method="post" onSubmit="javascript:__utmLinkPost(this)">
[-- ELSE --]
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --]/productsearch.cgi?storeid=[-- STORE.ID --]" method="post">
[-- END_IF --]
<input type=text name="search_field" size=15>
<input type=hidden name="storeid" value="[-- STORE.ID --]">
<input type=submit value="[-- STORE.177 --]">
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.NumSubProducts "0" --]
[-- ELSE --]
<div id="sectionLinks">
<h3>Related Items:</h3>
<li>[-- SUBPRODUCTS --]</li>
[-- END_IF --]

<div id="text2" class="text2-empty" style="padding: 0;"></div>

</div> <!--end navbar -->
[-- END_IF --]

<div id="footer">
<div id="footerContents">
[-- IF MORE_INFO.DisplayPageFooter --]
[-- FOOTER --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]

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Postby Jim » Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:36 am

The" /media/new.css" should not have the leading / which will make it try to look in the root directory of the server for a media folder that won't be there.
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Postby Gavbd » Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:27 am

Cheers Jim, although I'm pretty sure it's there - the template link to the existing stylesheet follows the same "/media" url format and if I go - to look for the new one it's there.

It's just not being applied...?
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Postby ShopSite Lauren » Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:47 am

What is the name of the Product template that you have pasted above? The product template that your more information pages are using is called "CrossSell-Sky-product-optimised-like"
- ShopSite Lauren
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Postby Gavbd » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:04 am

ahhh I think we may be getting somewhere thanks.

The name of the template above is CrossSell-Sky-product-optimised-new

None of the products currently have it applied, but when I apply one to test the ref still says CrossSell-Sky-product-optimised-like at the top

Should I be applying it at the more information page level? (if there is such a thing - am currently going directly in to each product and changing the template there)
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Postby ShopSite Lauren » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:19 am

If you are applying it to the product and it is not changing, then it may be that the page template specifies what product template to use. Go to your page template > Edit Template, and look in the LOOP PRODUCTS section. The product tag should just be [-- PRODUCT --] but you can hard code the name of the product template you would like to use such as [-- PRODUCT Name-Of-Template --] which would override the product template selection made on the product layout screen.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Postby Gavbd » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:42 am

Had a look in the page template... it just says [-- PRODUCT --]... at a bit of a loss

in the product template it says [-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --] if that's any use?
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Postby ShopSite Lauren » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:51 am

You can try changing a few more products over to this new template to see if by changing more it makes the change. I don't know how much more I can help without seeing the settings in the back office and seeing all the templates you are using.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Postby Gavbd » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:03 am

I just took out the line from the template above -

[-- INCLUDE CrossSell-Sky-pr-vars.sst PROCESS --]

and got the new style I've been wanting - I'm guessing it's that putting the old css ref in... however I can't just delete it as I need the other stuff it includes

is there anyway to progress this to support to give you access to look in the back office?
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Postby Gavbd » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:07 am

Scratch that... I did what you said above and power editied them all and it worked... dunno why?

But thanks!
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Re: Product not registering template change?

Postby Jisai » Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:51 am

Thanks to Shopsite Lauren!

Answered my question how to use different product layout templates on different pages (even though I did not ask it :) ). Shopsite help had a cryptic note, that page template can specify product template, but no indication how to do that.

After browsing through pages and pages of Shopsite help info, I wound up here, in the forums. And lo and behold, I came upon the answer, posted by Shopsite Lauren back on July 13, 2010.

Quick summary of what I did: created a page template that in LOOP PRODUCTS uses product tag [-- PRODUCT product_template_name --], instead of plain [-- PRODUCT --]. Now, we can have a default product layout template, specified in the Product Layout Screen for "normal" use, and for those pages, where we want a different product layout, just create another page template that follows the above for specifying a different product layout.
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