Actually,. it looks like your page template is fine, it is probably a problem
with your product template. Looking at the HTML source I can see where the
table of products begins, looks like it is a 2-column page template and the
page has 5 products assigned to it. Here is all that is being printed out for
the product:
<td valign=top align=left >
<div align="left">
<!--- rec 0 -->
<a name="0"></a>
So there are no viewable characters being printed out here which is why you
don't see anything for each product on the page. I would 1) check to make sure
that each product is assigned the right template, resave the product's template
setting to make sure 2) check permissions on the custom product template file
to make sure that it is readable 3) check to make sure that your product
template syntax is correct, for example a) that all HTML is within a
DEFINE/END_DEFINE section b) make sure that the DEFINE and END_DEFINE tags are
on their own line, etc.
Kevin Sullivan wrote:
I am building a new site and simply using my custom page and product
templates from my last site.
There is an error somewhere and I cannot find it.
1) The page is using a custom template called page-template2.html
2) The products for the page uses a custom template called
They are each in their correct templates folders. All was working fine and
I made some adjustments and now I get a blank page. After staring,
deleting, reloading, regenerating (and crying a little)etc, I just cannot
find the problem. Products are assigned.
Can someone take a quick look for me. I need another set of eyes.
PS: You will see some code for museumartworks for the search box and the
bottom links. That is my last site and I haven't changed the code yet for
the new site. in advance. My eyes are tired.