by Jim » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:07 am
It looks like the size is being set by css. I think the file is congruence.css and it has background areas set to 910 px with the mainarea set to 879.
So you would need to make a copy of the congruence.css file by going to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes. Use the Copy ShopSite Include and then select the congruence.css file giving it a name of congruence.css1 so it will be different and click Copy.
Now select the congruence.css1 and use the Copy Include button to make another copy of the file but this time call it congruence.css (so just get rid of the 1 at the end). You can then delete the congruence.css1. The new congruence.css, which you will edit, will override the original ShopSite congruence.css that you copied from so your changes in this file will now display where ever that file is used.
Next select that congruence.css name from the list and click Edit to open the file for editing. Search for "mainarea" and set the width to something less than the 879. and save changes. You might also want to search for 910 which is used for the background size in multiple areas and change that to something smaller too.
For the changes to appear on the shopping cart screen you will need to just refresh the screen but for any pages or moreinfo pages you will need to do a complete publish of the store. If you are using order anywhere button on your own html pages you won't need to publish.