Configuring the display of payment options

General ShopSite user discussion

Configuring the display of payment options

Postby extragear » Wed May 26, 2010 7:40 am

Configuring the display of payment options


We are currently offering the following methods as payment options.

Credit Cards and Paypal Express

These options appear in one single drop down. What I want to do is break out Paypal so it has its own icon.

So, is it possible to breakout the Paypal icon out? One source indicated that it was only possible to do this if we used Paypal Website Payments Standard. And we are using Paypal Express.

In addition, we are about to implement Google Checkout. Its setup, but not activated on our live site.

When I did a test activation. What happened is the payment drop down disappeared and only the Google Checkout Icon appeared.

Finally, if anyone has a live store in which they have a separate drop down for credit cards, separate icon for Paypal and for Google Checkout I would appreciate seeing it.



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Displaying various buttons

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:02 am

You can go to Commerce Setup > Payment > Configure PayPal Express, and check the checkbox to "Display Express Checkout Button" which will remove PayPal from the pull down menu of payment options and will include PayPal's Express Checkout button on the checkout screen.

For Google, the original integration required that Google have a Pre checkout screen (because on this pre checkout screen tax and shipping should not be calculated, whereas with all other payment options it does get calculated on the first page). The Google Checkout integration has now changed so that the pre-checkout screen is not needed. If you have a more recent version of ShopSite you can turn off the pre checkout screen by going to Commerce Setup > Payment > Configure Google Checkout, and check the checkbox to NOT display the pre-checkout screen.

By doing the two things listed above, you will have 3 checkout buttons on your checkout screen, PayPal Express Checkout, Google Checkout, and your regular ShopSite Checkout.
- ShopSite Lauren
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