If I have more than one shipping module active (say USPS, Fedex and
Custom Shipping module), is would be nice to specify, on a per product
basis, that some/all these modules should or should NOT be used for this
particular product! This would allow the Custom Shipping module to be
setup to ship certain products from different countries.
Here is example of use case:
We have an office in US and one in Australia. Almost everything we
produce and sell is produced in US and shipped from US, except for blue
widgets, which are produced in Australia and shipped from Australia.
The Custom Shipping module could be setup to use Australia post.
It would then be nice to be able to disable the Custom Shipping module for
all products except the blue widgets. And then, for the blue widgets,
it would be nice to be able to use the Custom Shipping module only, and
disable USPS and Fedex.
This could all be done from the Edit Product screen of each product with
an Enable/Disable for each shipping method.