Simple enhancement request for creating valid HTML

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Simple enhancement request for creating valid HTML

Postby c.wagner » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:26 am

Hi Guy,

This should be very easy to implement and could possibly be considered a bug. When Shopsite generates the links for add to cart buttons and such, it does not generate valid HTML. Please update Shopsite so it properly escapes the "&" in the URLs is generates. ie &

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Location: Norfolk, VA

Postby Jim » Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:03 pm

This issue has been logged.

However, this is standard html practice by most companies as you will see if you go to almost any major site.

Here are some urls
from Google ... pmPz9XHqPw
from Amazon ... d_i=507846
from Yahoo ... orem&q2=ut
from Dell ... =en&s=corp
from Microsoft ... =Windows+7

In fact while I was looking for examples I didn't find any that used the & and the ones I found using just & were easy to find.

The "standards" committee,, recommend using the & but there are very few that follow that recommendation. There is also not a single major browser available that does not handle the "&" character correctly in a url and because of the volume of existing html on the web it is unlikely that they will change that in the near future because it would break most existing sites.
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