Changing shopping cart layout

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Changing shopping cart layout

Postby iTal » Mon May 03, 2010 10:31 am


I'm new to ShopSite and I need some help with organizing my shopping cart's layout.

How do I move the tax, shipping, and and payment option selection to the checkout page, instead of having them in the shopping cart content?
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Postby Jim » Mon May 03, 2010 11:10 am

There is no way to move these fields to the checkout page.

One of the advantages of ShopSite is that the shopper knows on the first shopping cart screen exactly what the items will cost including tax, shipping etc. In order to do this all calculations are done on the first shopping cart screen.
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Postby iTal » Tue May 04, 2010 9:45 am

Thanks for your quick response, Jim.

Can't the "Select payment type" option move to the checkout page as well? Is there a way to move it to the checkout, where the rest of the payment information is?

Thanks again for your help.
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Postby BFChris » Tue May 04, 2010 9:55 am

I believe it disappears if only one payment method (like credit card) is available.

Otherwise, it needs to be on the first page so the cart knows which payment fields to display on the checkout page.
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Postby Jim » Tue May 04, 2010 9:56 am

The Select Payment type will not appear on the first shopping cart screen if there is only one type of payment offered in the store (eg Credit Carts or PayPal or Google Checkout, etc). The payment type is needed to determine what payment fields will be displayed on the screen where the shopper enters billing, shipping and payment information. This is necessary because changing the displayed fields on the fly would require javascript in the shoppers browser and there is no way to guarantee that they will have javascript enabled.

So in short the Select Payment type cannot be removed from the first shopping cart screen if more than one payment option is available to the shopper.
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Postby ks » Sun May 23, 2010 1:48 pm

The select payment type is not necessary if the only options are credit cards. That selection obviously belongs on the checkout page.

This is just as true if there is also a Paypal Express option. Either the user clicks the Paypal button and goes off to Paypal to choose how to pay (in which case the payment type popup with "Visa Mastercard Amex" is confusing and really doesn't belong), or the user clicks the checkout button ("Pay with credit card"), in which case the credit card type should be chosen on the checkout page, just as when there is no Paypal button.

Is there really no way to fix this?
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Postby Jim » Mon May 24, 2010 6:58 am

If you are using PayPal to accept credit card payments you should not also be listing them as payment methods in ShopSite unless you also have a payment gateway.

There is no way to remove the payment type selection field if you select more than one payment method.
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Postby ks » Mon May 24, 2010 7:42 am

I use Paypal's Payflow Pro to process credit cards. Due to frequent requests to allow payment with Paypal, I recently opened a Paypal business account for use with Express Checkout. The idea is to have two buttons - "Checkout with Paypal" and "Pay with credit card". This is a very common solution, one in which a popup of credit card types does not belong.

So how about a workaround? I can eliminate the "Select payment type:" text by changing it's color to white in css. Is there any way to effectively hide the popup? I tried specifying its width as 0 pixels. Didn't work. The only other thing I can think of is to draw it way offscreen, but that is not an acceptable solution.

Or instead, is there any way to change the format of the popup, to radio buttons instead? The other way I've seen stores support Paypal Express (besides the two button approach described above) is to have two radio buttons, one with an image of supported credit cards, the other with an image of Paypal. The user can then select whether to pay with a credit card or Paypal and click the continue button.

I'm several weeks into migrating my store from an old SoftCart 5 storefront to Shopsite 10, involving all custom templates and Orders API scripts. This unfortunately is looking like a showstopper. Shopsite does not appear to support the simple concept of <pay with credit card> OR <pay with Paypal> in a user friendly way.
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Postby ks » Mon May 24, 2010 10:26 am

Here's a solution.

In sc template use:

<td class="sc_payment_content">[-- SC_PaymentSelection --]</td>

In css declare:

td.sc_payment_content {
display: none;

The popup is technically there, but not drawn. I can proceed to checkout without any errors reported.

It's possible this will cause problems elsewhere, but so far so good.
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Re: Changing shopping cart layout

Postby specialtygraphics » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:21 pm

I am aware that this topic is a little old. I was wondering if Shopsite is considering using javascript to allow the selection on the checkout page. You have added the advanced options and are using cascading drop down menus. Which by the way if someone doesnt have javascript enabled breaks the whole thing by not enabling the second dropdown after the first has been selected. Most websites are heavily using javascript these days so in my opinion this shouldnt be an issue. Let it be a selection that shopsite users choose to use or not.
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