Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

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Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby wigsus » Sun May 02, 2010 3:05 pm

We are in need of an order management system. We have had both SE and MOM recommended. I have read some of the horror stories of MOM integrations and frankly we don't have time for that. But have not gotten a warm and fuzzy that Stone Edge can handle some of our future plans.

Has anyone here used one or both and can attest to the ease of use, cost, and usefulness of either or both systems?
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Postby Barney Stone » Mon May 03, 2010 5:16 am

This year, for the second year in a row, the Stone Edge Order Manager has eleven users in the Internet Retailer Top 500. Just like last year, that is one more than our two closest competitors (MOM and OrderMotion) combined. Those eleven companies all use the Enterprise Edition of the Order Manager, and some of them are shipping 4,000 to 5,000 orders per day. So the Order Manager can probably handle whatever volume you are likely to achieve. If you have questions about specific features that you are looking for, I can answer them here in the Forum, or you can give us a call at 610-994-3699.
Barney Stone, President
Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.
610-994-3699 ext. 111
Barney Stone
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Postby wigsus » Mon May 03, 2010 5:41 am


Thank you for your reply. We will be giving you a call this week. We have answered some of our questions on your website and can get the rest answered this week. We are clearly much smaller than your enterprise edition Top 500 companies. Our questions were concerning moving to a fulfillment operation in the future.

Thank you again for being much more approachable than your competitors... it is very appreciated.
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Postby Barney Stone » Mon May 03, 2010 5:50 am

Sounds good.

BTW - I don't want to leave the impression that we only work with large companies. While our enterprise level business is growing, the majority of our users are still smaller companies that ship 5 to 500 orders per day.
Barney Stone, President
Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.
610-994-3699 ext. 111
Barney Stone
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Postby gentlemans01 » Tue May 04, 2010 9:05 am

Unsolicited testimonial here:

We've been happy users of Stone Edge Order Manager (Standard, not Enterprise Edition) with Shopsite for over 4 years now, growing from 2 to 6 employees and outgrowing two warehouses.

We do a mix of dropshipping and in-house shipping, including international, and have no doubt that Stone Edge is the best order management solution for us now, and the Enterprise edition offers a terrific upgrade path as we grow.

The Stone Edge user community is very active and helpful, and the (public) user forum is a great resource for whatever challenges we stumble across. You can't go wrong with Stone Edge.

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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby arta!!ack » Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:22 am

We use Mail Order Manager with Shopsite module and find it does the job well the big thing for us it synchronises the stock between MOM and Shopsite without having to do any extra steps.

It is though in my opinion very "Clunky" software and not intuitive to use.

We have been using it for 2 years now and it has many features we have not used yet.

It is supposed to be compatible with the latest release of Shopsite, but we do have a problem with Credit Card payments not importing as "paid".

This is hopefully being sorted. (may be just and issue with us). but they have not responded to my last 2 e-mails.

We find the support contract expensive as well as training if needed, usually I can work things out, but got hopelessly lost and needed a days training.

The software though has definitely improved our efficiency.

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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby wigsus » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:18 pm

Just wanted to give everyone an update. After months of looking, we finally connected with the folks at Ordoro. We went live in August of 2010. Ordoro meets all of our needs perfectly - all of it completely online and without all of the capital costs of desktop systems. No software to update, no servers, just seamless integration with our Shopsite backend. We hope to be able to utilize Ordoro's Amazon back end as well... we aren't ready, but Ordoro already has it.

I am happy to share the details with anyone who's interested.... it is very nice to have a really great, web-based alternative to Stone Edge and MOM.
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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby CarolA » Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:08 am

We've used MOM for 10+ years, but it's outrageously expensive for our little company. We're not on support now, and I looked at all the alternatives and we're planning to switch to Ordoro in the next couple of weeks. I've heard Stone Edge is great, but for a little company, the price of Ordoro is better, and we want to get rid of our server and worrying about running our own software, upgrades, maintenance, etc. Ordoro doesn't have near the features of the big guys, but it might meet your needs depending on what you're looking for. They are constantly enhancing their product too. We're waiting on them to add one more enhancement before we move, and they've been very responsive.
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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby ChristopherFryeWA » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:29 pm

The company I work for has been using StoneEdge for about 8 years now. About 3 years ago when I came on board I wanted certain basic features that Stone Edge just didn't offer at the time and still doesn't. I looked at several other options and MOM was the one we felt would serve us best. Our rep was very professional and informed and I was very happy with the progress of converting over. We had several in depth meeting that specifically broke down our needs, activites and requirements. All of which MOM was able to support according to our account rep and his supporting staff.

After about four months we realized that MOM was unable to follow through with what we needed. The biggest issue was the inability to import an adjustment to 15k codes via an excel file at any time. Several other key features had to be programmed from scratch. This list of disappointment was getting long and the solutions where becoming very vague, and expensive. At a certain point we decided that they couldn't fulfill their agreement or even produce what we needed.

Long story short and 10k less in our pockets we decided to stick with SE and had a third party make adjustments to SE for us. It's been three years now and I'm very happy with SE's support and communication. Their are still features that they need to implement but you can't ask for an easier software program for maintaining updating accurate product details.
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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby Barney Stone » Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:41 am

I just want to point out that for most companies, online systems like Ordoro will end up costing a lot more than the Stone Edge Order Manager. Based on the pricing on their Website, if you process more than 10 orders per day (300 per month), they will charge you as much per year ($169x12=$2,028) as the one-time price of our Standard Edition ($1,995). At just 21 orders per day, it jumps to almost $3,500 per year, and at 51 orders per day, to over $6,500 per year, which is more than the one-time price of our Enterprise Edition. Yes, there may be savings on infrastructure and advantages for companies with remote workers, but you should consider all of the costs and other benefits of cloud-based vs. PC-based systems before deciding on which system to use to run your business. Among other considerations, the ability to customize the Stone Edge Order Manager, which helped to bring Christopher back to it, is rare among PC-based systems, and just about unheard of in Web-based systems.
Barney Stone, President
Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.
610-994-3699 ext. 111
Barney Stone
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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby MgmtSpec » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:11 pm

I may be wrong but I also thought v11 of SS is going to have some combatibility issues with MOM. Having worked with MOM and SE I can attest MOM is a major PITA to set up. I found the documentation frustrating for MOM. I also found it overkill, if you are not already doing a lot of Phone/Mail Order, you're using a sledgehammer to manage online sales. It is spendy as you will need the base software and several modules. SE is also spendy, but much better suited. MOM's idea of 'integration' is you can import oders via import/export module. Keep in mind cost of annual service contracts on both. I've worked on probably 50 SS stores...if I had to choose I would say SE. The ordero option may cost a bit more, but you may find a monthly fee easier to absorb and an easier learning curve. Again, for volume SE is probably the best solution for SS. YMMV, JMHO, FWIW.
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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby brubart » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:31 pm

I've been using Ordoro ( mail order manager for a few weeks. I really like it because of its clean, simple interface. It used to take me 25 minutes to process each order, now it's more like 5 minutes. Before, I had to transfer order information manually from my Shopsite shopping cart to a sales receipt, then go to the post office website to transfer the information again and print a label. Now I just go to Orodoro's site, download the stuff automatically, then quickly print a packing slip and mailing label.

Once you enter all the required information about your products, shopping cart, etc. it runs smoothly and quickly. They make it easy to offer feedback as well.

I had to convert my shopping cart to SSL (https instead of http) before Ordoro would capture data from it, but that was probably a good thing to do anyway. At the moment I can't get Orodoro to handle international shipments without errors, but I'm working on it. Their tech support is excellent.

Their site has some helpful instructional videos - just be sure to pause them often and take notes.
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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby tdsrob » Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:18 pm

Stay away from Stoneedge if you care about your business! We have been a customer for about year and it's the worst company I have ever dealt with. The program is very buggy and good luck getting someone on the phone if you ever have a problem! Can't wait to we switch to a better alternative.
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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby cybertize » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:14 pm

If anyone has found an alternative to stone edge, please post. We constantly have problems, pay for support and wait so long for return calls that we try and figure problems out ourselves so that we don't bother the StoneEdge support people.

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Re: Stone Edge vs Mail Order Manager

Postby thesupermanager » Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:29 pm

SuperManager is another alternative to StoneEdge and MOM. What features are you looking for?
Start your free 30-day trial of The SuperManager Order Manager today at
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