Using The Same DB for other sites

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Using The Same DB for other sites

Postby guypier » Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:00 pm

Hello, I know that you can use the same DB for multiple sites but what I am trying to do is launch say 3 websites all sell the same things but with different templates. My challenge is mainly with inventory how do I use different checkout templates for each site using one shopsite account and making it to where if 1 person buys the same product on each website it would update the inventory for each DB, so say I have 10 total products and I sell one on each site im trying to get it to automatically show 7 left in the inventory for all sites, that way I do not have to download and upload DB all the time. Thanks for your help.
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Postby Jim » Sat May 01, 2010 7:16 am

There is no direct way to use the same database for all 3 stores. At one time ShopSite had a "sync" module that allowed you to update stores from a master database but I'm not sure if it is still being offered. You could contact ShopSite sales department using the form on and see what they say.

The sync module still requires you to update each store through a download and upload to another store but allowed some fields to be changed during the process for changes in price, language, template etc.
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Postby MgmtSpec » Thu May 27, 2010 10:09 pm

Actually there is as long as your receipt info remains need one set of products, and assign each of those product to 3 separate pages, each using a different template. Then have the file names saved to different direcotories....store1/product.html, store2/product.html,store3/product.html
Then map each domain to each directory...since SS uses full URL's this should work though the 'checkout' would go to the main store URL. This might give warning message about 'changing' sites..
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