Find out where products are listed as subproducts?

General ShopSite user discussion

Find out where products are listed as subproducts?

Postby weez » Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:54 pm

Is there a way to find out what products have been assigned as subproducts? For example, there is Product A listed in our database. I would like to know where Product A is showing as a subproduct.

I clicked "Product on Pages", but that only appears to show to where an item is listed as a product, not as a subproduct.

I also downloaded a .txt database file with "All Fields" checked for several items I know for a fact are listed as subproducts on a particular page, but there doesn't appear to be a field to indicate where they are showing up.
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Postby Jim » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:52 pm

Subproducts are assigned to other products not to pages so you would need to look in the products download file not the page download file. The information will be found in the field "Subproducts" Here is the info from the help file ... loadFields
Subproducts - The names of any products to be grouped under this product.

Field Type: Text Entry
Default Value: Null; there is no default value
Possible Values: A list of any of the names of products in the store. Separate product names with |. If the names of products in your store are not unique, you can use both the product name and SKU by preceding the SKU with a tilde (~), like this:

Product Name1~SKU1|Product Name2~SKU2|Product Name3~SKU3

Note that it is valid to list a product as a subproduct of itself.
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Postby weez » Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:08 pm

Hi Jim!

I see the "Subproduct" field in the database download file. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that shows if any subproducts are listed under that product. What I'm looking for is the reverse of that.

So for example, Items A, B, and C are listed in our product database. Item A is a product, Items B and C are subproducts under it.

In the database download file, I can look at the row for Item A, and it will show Items B and C in the "Subproduct" column. However, if I look at the rows for Items B and C, I don't see a column that indicates they are listed as subproducts under Item A. That is what I'm looking for - is there a way to do that?
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