Paypal IPN URL?

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Paypal IPN URL?

Postby kepico » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:50 am

I am using Paypal standard payment form in Shopsite, I need to setup to recieve the IPN from Paypal. Paypal is asking for a IPN URL is this just the URL of my site? Or is it a specific Shopsite URL?
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Postby loren_d_c » Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:40 am

You do not need to set up the IPN settings in your PayPal account at all. ShopSite provides PayPal with the IPN callback URL when it sends the shopper to PayPal for each transaction, so PayPal will already have the necessary information.

See PayPal's doc:

Which says (at the bottom):

NOTE: ... Even though you have not enabled receiving IPN messages in your Profile or you have reset your preference by turning off IPN messages, PayPal still sends IPN messages to the notification URL you specify for a specific payment.

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Postby kepico » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:49 pm

Well, then I guess I have a problem - I had a user (my first) place an order at the site and make a payment through Paypal, I got the email confirmation from Paypal but according to my Shopsite panel it did not list an order at all.

I then went ahead an placed an order myself using a "check" payment so as to not be redirected to Paypal and the Shopsite panel picked up that order fine.

I thought I read that if you are using the standard payments (which I am) you do have to set the IPN to enabled, I thought I read this in the Shopsite docs regarding standard Paypal payments.
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Postby kepico » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:53 pm

OK, I found it under Help for Paypal payments standard:

"When the customer completes the payment, PayPal notifies ShopSite and ShopSite notifies you of the order. This notification requires that Instant Payment Notification (IPN) be enabled within PayPal. If IPN is disabled, ShopSite will not receive any notification that a payment has been made and orders paid through PayPal will not be processed."
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Postby Jim » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:58 pm

If the payment on the PayPal site was made by check it can take up to 10 days for the check to clear the bank and be deposited in your paypal account. Until the payment is actually in your PayPal account they do not send the IPN. You should be able to check you paypal account and see how the order was paid.

PayPal has been having problems off and on with their IPN notifications so maybe that is what is happening.

I would recommend that you switch to use the PayPal Express Checkout which does not require the IPNs and seems to be more reliable. With the Express Checkout method the shopper stays on your site and is never sent to the PayPal site to complete the order. You can find more details on PayPals site at ... ingStarted
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Postby kepico » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:31 pm

The payment has cleared - it was instant, I did not have IPN enabled at the time (I do now) but I was confused as to what the URL they (Paypal) were asking for so I just put my store main site URL?? I was not sure if there should be a specific URL there.

I would use Paypal Express but I am using Google checkout and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get them both setup at the same time, maybe you can't?
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