Subproducts and search

General ShopSite user discussion

Subproducts and search

Postby extragear » Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:05 pm

Subproducts and search


Is there a recommended method for having sub products appear in the search results?

I know we can simply go to the parent product and in the Search Keywords field put in all the skus and sku variants for the subproducts.

Not sure if there is a character limit to that field?

But then there is the global search setting under search indexing ignore Subproducts during indexing.

Not sure if this indicates there is another methodology to getting the subproducts to appear in the search results?

Having just the parent product appear is ok with me.

Any pointers would be appreciated.



Belden Motosport
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Postby Jim » Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:32 pm

It really depends on what your products/subproducts are like. If you have a product such as Asprin and the subproducts are Bottle of 50, Bottle of 100, Bottle of 250 then you probably want just the main product content searched for but would want the subproducts displayed with the main product on the search results page. In this case you would use the Ignore subproduct in search results settings. But your template could still display the subproducts with the parent, they just wouldn't be indexed.

If you products are distinct products and subproduct are a kind of cross sell such as the main product of a Printer and subproduct as cyan, yellow, magenta, black ink cartridges, you would probably want the subproduct indexed too so that the shopper can search for cyan ink for example. In that case you may want the subproducts displayed individually on the search results rather than having the printer displayed each time someone searches for an ink cartridge.

How products /sub products are displayed on the search results will be defined in the product template assigned for the search template.

Most text fields in the backoffice don't have a specific character limit.
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