False "Payment Processing Error" display

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False "Payment Processing Error" display

Postby Bruce Bartlett » Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:30 pm

On my website hosted by Hypermart, I recently set up ShopSite (shopping cart) with Authorize.net (gateway) and PowerPay (merchant account) so that I can accept credit card orders.

Whenever I try to submit a VISA card order using my own card, the screen says "Payment Processing Error." Response code:1. Response subcode:1. Reason code:1 All those codes mean "your order has been received." Authorize.net reports that they do receive the orders correctly. Emails are sent to me that say my order was approved.

I disabled all the security features and filters in authorize.net, but i still get the error message. My credit card company says there are no holds on my credit card.

When I look for orders in ShopSite, nothing is there. No "Thank You" page is generated after I place an order.

Is this a bug in ShopSite? Did I not set up something correctly? Thanks for any help you can provide.
Bruce Bartlett
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Postby Jim » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:30 pm

Do you have the AVS setting set in the Authorize.net settings? If so and there is a problem with the Address Verification Authorize.net will send back to ShopSite that the AVS is not valid but they approve the Order anyway. ShopSite however will reject the order based on the result returned from Authorize.net. see http://shopsite.com/help/10.1/en-US/sc/ ... zenet.html
When an AVS check fails, the gateway notifies ShopSite of the failure, but still authorizes the transaction. If you have configured ShopSite to reject on AVS faiure, the order will not go through and no funds will be transferred from the customer’s account to the merchant account. However, the gateway still places a "hold" on the customer’s account for the amount of the order. The authorization will eventually time out and the hold will be released, but you may see the authorization when you view transactions in your gateway account.

Do you have the Advanced Fraud Detection Suite enabled on Authorize.net side? ShopSite is not integrated with that option so that may be an issue.

I don't see PowerPay listed in the known merchant accounts that work with Authorize.net in our help. http://www.shopsite.com/cc_101.html#providers
Have you verified with Authorize.net and PowerPay that they will work together? I also don't find them listed on the Authorize.net site http://www.authorize.net/solutions/merc ... directory/

Also is your Authorize.net account the AIM method or the SIM method? ShopSite has been integrated with the AIM method for quite a while and implementation of the SIM method will be available shortly.
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False "Payment Processing Error" display

Postby Bruce Bartlett » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:55 am

In Authorize.net I have turned off the AVS filter and the AIM filter.
I have disabled all the filters in the Advanced Fraud Detection Suite.

PowerPay told me that they do work with Authorize.net. PowerPay said it is a problem with the shopping cart provider.

Even with all the security features off, I still get the "Payment Processing Error" display when I submit a credit card payment. I receive emails from Authorize.net saying that the payment was processed.
Bruce Bartlett
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Postby Jim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:07 am

Is your authorize.net set to live mode or test mode?
Do you get orders into ShopSite (and email receipts) if you use a different payment method, say COD?
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Postby Bruce Bartlett » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:22 am

Authorize.net is set to live mode. Other payment options work okay and do not generate the error message.

All the error codes are "1" which means "your order was processed".

I have changed the text of the error message from "Payment Processing Error" to "Thank you for your order", but the yellow warning triangle still shows up, and the text below that says "zip code, address," etc.

Thanks for your ongoing support...
Bruce Bartlett
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Postby Jim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:29 am

What version of ShopSite are you using?

Do you have your store set to use security under Preferences > Hosting Services?

Do you have your own SSL certificate or are you using a shared certificate.

If you try to use a bogus credit card number what errors messages are displayed. Try 4111 1111 1111 1111 which is a valid format for a Visa number but not a valid card. You should get a payment declined message.
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Postby Bruce Bartlett » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:45 am

What version of ShopSite are you using? ShopSite® Starter 10 r7.2 enabled via www.hypermart.net.

Do you have your store set to use security under Preferences > Hosting Services? It says, "This area has been disabled for security reasons. "

Do you have your own SSL certificate or are you using a shared certificate. How do I determine that?

If you try to use a bogus credit card number what errors messages are displayed. Try 4111 1111 1111 1111 which is a valid format for a Visa number but not a valid card. You should get a payment declined message.

This is what the screen said:
Thank you for your order! (my text which replaced "Payment Processing Error")

Zip Code
Card Number
Expiration Date

Detailed error message:
Response Code: "2"
Response Subcode: "1"
Reason Code: "2"
Reason: "This transaction has been declined."
Bruce Bartlett
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Postby Jim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:12 am

Do you have your own SSL certificate or are you using a shared certificate. How do I determine that?

I would assume that you are using a shared certificate if you are with HyperMart. But you can tell for sure by looking at the URL when you are on the shopping cart screen where you enter payment information. Does the URL begin with https:// or just http:// and is the domain name part of the url your store's domain name or something related to hypermart ?

I'll have to check a Starter level store when I get to the office and see if I have a problem with Authorize.net orders there.

Just for a test you could get a demo store at http://shopsite.com/demo.html#manage (use Kim's kakes which is a starter version)
and try your Authorize.net account info there and see if it works on a different server.

You should escalate your issue through hypermart support and have them look into the issue. If they can't help ask them to contact the ShopSite support personnel for assistance
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Postby Jim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:39 pm

I have confirmed that I can place an order using Authorize.net in a starter level test store so that should not be an issue.

Since I haven't seen an answer to my last post I assume that you are escalating this to Hypermart.
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Postby Bruce Bartlett » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:50 pm

Yes, Hypermart has been working on it for several days. Thanks for all your suggestions so far.
Bruce Bartlett
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Postby Jim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:09 pm

Notice the differences between the detail error messages I received
Detailed error message:
Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 2
Reason Code: 13
Reason: The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.

and the ones you show.
Detailed error message:
Response Code: "2"
Response Subcode: "1"
Reason Code: "2"
Reason: "This transaction has been declined."

You must have some setting on your Authorize.net account that quotes return values. ShopSite is not expecting to see "1" for a valid transaction just 1.

So check your settings and make sure that Authorize.net is not set to return quoted values. You find this on the Authorize.net account Settings > Transaction Format Settings > Direct Response . The options should be either No or Yes but with the Default Field Separator set to comma and the Field Encapsulation Character set to nothing.
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Postby Bruce Bartlett » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:50 pm

Wow, that finally fixed it! Thanks so much for your perseverance. I really appreciate it.

Next, I'll start adding back the security filters and hope that they work.

Best wishes...
Bruce Bartlett
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