MoreInfo pages NOT GENERATED

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MoreInfo pages NOT GENERATED

Postby siyan » Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:44 am

I have the following problem:
Some of the MoreInfo pages are not generated/published.
After changing the Theme, some of them get published, but not always and not all of them.

P.S. I'm using a DEMO version of Shopsite 10. Could this be the problem?
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Postby Jim » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:33 am

You need to mark that you want the more information page generated for each product. You do this on the Products > Edit Product Info screen in the More Information section near the bottom of the screen.

If you are using a custom product template then you need to include a [-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] section that includes the entire layout for how you want the page to look.
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Postby siyan » Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:26 am

The [-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] section is already included in my product template. It looks like this:

[-- INCLUDE MyCustomMoreInfoPage.sst PROCESS --]

The strange thing is:
After changing the theme(product template), they do generate , but after setting my theme, they don't.
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Postby siyan » Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:47 am

I found the problem -
On all pages where I have [-- LOOP PRODUCTS --] I use a custom template for the loop ( [-- PRODUCT MyCustomProductTemplate.sst --] ).
It is not documented, that in this case, the MoreInfo pages to which the links point are also generated with the MyCustomProductTemplate.sst template!

So, when you use a custom template for the loop, be sure, that you have [-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] section in that template!

P.S. By "custom template for the loop" i mean a template different from the one specified for every product.

Problem solved.
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