Upgrade to service pack 1, now card payments will not proces

General ShopSite user discussion

Upgrade to service pack 1, now card payments will not proces

Postby arta!!ack » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:43 am


I have just upgraded our 4 sites to service pack 1, we were running 10, and now our sites will not take credit cards.

We get an invalid IP address error.

I have contacted Sagepay (ex Protx) and they cannot help at the moment, they feel it is an issue with the cart.

I suspect something is not being transmitted correctly.

I have checked the configuration.

Our IP has not changed.

Info is being transmitted to Sagepay because the invalid error shows up on the Sagepay logs.

We did have a similar problem when we upgraded to V10 maestro cards would not work and needed a path.

The sites were working fine until I did the upgrade.

If you can offer some advice, we are of course losing sales.

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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:58 am

Did you make backups before the upgrade, if so, restore the ShopSite to the previous version by restoring the backups. But it is also possible that it is a coincidence that this happened at or around the same time as the upgrade.

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Postby arta!!ack » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:12 pm

Thanks for the quick reply, the only backups would the ones suggested when upgrading and I have no idea how to restore those, but I will start searching the help files now.

I am watching this post closely.

I do not think it s coincidence.

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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:26 pm

If you are on Linux or FreeBSD and left the default option enabled to have the upgrade make backups, then these backups are just .tar files of the data, ss, and sc directories made immediately prior to any of the upgrade actions being performed. The .tar files will be in those directories themselves, and untaring them in those locations should restore the ShopSite to the previous version (note that all data will also be restored to exactly the state it was in prior to the upgrade, so hopefully you haven't made many changes since then).

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Postby arta!!ack » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:29 pm

Thanks Loren.

I have not made any other changes so hopefull will get back to pre upgrade.

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Postby arta!!ack » Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:14 pm

Sadly this has not fixed the issue.

After restoring, I did notice when going to the payment processing section, it had set the payment processing to TEST rather than LIVE.

We are loosing sales and I am not sure how to handle it.

I am at a total loss.

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Postby arta!!ack » Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:29 pm

I have managed to resolve the issue.

It may not have been a shopsite issue, but not really sure yet.

But it is an IP issue.

I sent myself an e-mail from our site and looked at the IP in the header, it was different to what we have set up with Sagepay (Protx).

I entered the new IP as an accepted IP and now payments are working again.

I will try to upgrade again Tuesday.

Thank you for your help Loren, nice to have you around.

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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:46 pm

ShopSite does not control what IP address your site uses when making outgoing connections from the server. The server can have multiple IP addresses assigned to it, but generally only one (the main one, I think) is what is used when making outgoing connections.

So even though your website's IP address may have remained unchanged, if the server configuration were changed such that the main IP address of the server changed, then any outgoing connections would appear to be coming from a different IP address than previously.

This is an issue for sites on a server with multiple IPs whose payment gateways require that the IP address of the originating server be registered and they will only accept connections from that IP. If possible, you should see if your gateway will allow an entire block of IPs to be registered so that any IP on the server (or that block of IPs owned by your hosting provider) will work and you won't have to worry (as much) about the host changing the main IP address of the server.

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