On just one of our shopsite carts when one clicks either the Continue Shopping or Empty Cart buttons, the server returns a page that says
The link has moved <a href="">here</a>.
For the life of me I can't figure out what I've messed up. I've checked Preferences->Hosting Service and it looks just like all our other carts
the access log says
"POST /cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi HTTP/1.1" 302 40 "http://www.mmmm.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi"
while other websites say
"POST /cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi HTTP/1.1" 302 69 "http://www.mmmm.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=*2222222222222222222222&function=show&__utma=etc"
Other than that, the cart works just fine.
Any suggestions?