I am trying to work through a problem with Shopsite installed by Bluehost. I am testing in a paypal sandbox and have run into an issue at checkout. I get the following error:
500 Server Error
A misconfiguration on the server caused a hiccup. Check the server logs, fix the problem, then try again. URL: http://www.focuson40.com/store/sc/thankyou.cgi
The links states:
Error in Form!
We're sorry, but there was an error in your form data!
You must specify a valid value for: storeid .
Please go back and try it again.
The Bluehost error log states:
[2009-12-15 09:54:03]: uid: (1081/trollyvo) gid: (1081/trollyvo) cmd: thankyou.cgi [2009-12-15 09:54:23]: uid: (1081/trollyvo) gid: (1081/trollyvo) cmd: thankyou.cgi [2009-12-15 09:54:23]: uid: (1081/trollyvo) gid: (1081/trollyvo) cmd: fcgiwrapper
It looks like a permission error. The Storeid is in the form data. I have seen some similar issues but never an answer. This is Shopsite 10 vanilla install, nothing custom. I wanted to keep this very simple.
Thank you in advance.