Validating Your Sites HTML and View Your Cart

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Validating Your Sites HTML and View Your Cart

Postby extragear » Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:16 pm


I am in the process of validating a mockup of our new web design. (I want to complete as much as possible before consulting with one of the certified designers.)

Running the homepage through the following validator,, I come up with 3 errors.

Here they are:

Line 86, Column 138: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "function"

…77eca8a8052762530e104ab97943d5f84d0&function=show">View Your Cart</a></td>

Line 86, Column 138: general entity "function" not defined and no default entity

…77eca8a8052762530e104ab97943d5f84d0&function=show">View Your Cart</a></td>

Line 86, Column 146: reference to entity "function" for which no system identifier could be generated

…052762530e104ab97943d5f84d0&function=show">View Your Cart</a></td>

The explanation concerning these mentions that the & shouldnt be used in urls. Before I try to troubleshoot this, should I even be concerned with these 3 error messages? Since it concerns view your cart, I wasnt sure if this could be altered to be code compliant or not.

We are on the latest version of Shopsite.


Belden Motosport
Posts: 169
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:53 am
Location: Binghamton, NY

Postby Jim » Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:38 pm

Don't worry about it. The & character is suppose to &amp; but all browsers accept just the &. Look at just about any major site and you will see they just use the &.
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