by dkkdol » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:14 pm
I am suggesting buttons or a way to do Sold Out that does not result in someone trying to order a product as I am getting swamped with email from folks clicking my printed Sold Out notice (no button for this). Sometimes it is necessary to keep Sold Out Merchandise on a page so person ordering can see it until it gets to them, or to put a notice up for something on order when you don't want folks trying to order it. I basically remove my items from displaying in cateogories after the last customer has had a chance to get the product if no more are expected, but some hacker seems to love to click the Sold Out buttons, which sometimes overloads my email box where nothing else can get through. Maybe I will have to figure out turning off the email notices. I have an unavailable items page intended for folks who are waiting for an order, things that are on order, and such, but sold out things are on the site, not on the site map or in view, but a hacker seems to enjoy clicking those buttons behind the scenes. I am not sure how they get there, unless they experiment with pages numbered similar to the ones I have up. Once pages are removed from the site map, I don't have them displayed on any of my pages, but the Sold Out button can be clicked and sends me a message about items not being available. I need a none functioning way to say sold out. Donna