I'm just now getting into CSS. For starters, all I want to do is add borders around images on my home page. I used Dreamweaver and simply added a style sheet for image borders and various text styles. Everything works out perfect in Dreamweaver. I uploaded the style sheet to my store and made sure the html was pointing to the correct directory to where the style sheet resides. Now, I copied and pasted the Dreamweaver code into a temporary page I always use in shopsite for experimentation. I did a "preview" through shopsite, and all css styles related to various text formatting work fine, but no borders show on the images.
As a test, I pasted the code into anew html page separate from the my shopsite store pages, and indeed the borders do show up fine, so the code is all correct.
Do I have to enter something into the meta key description so my shopsite store recognizes this css command? The format is simply <img src="sampleimage.jpg" width="216" height="182" class="imgborder" />
Can someone please give me sample of what would have to be added into the meta key description if that is what is needed? I read the knowledge base and as a beginner with css, I don't understand what is needed to put there. Thank you kindly!
Oh, I'm using the latest version of SS pro.