Images Alternate Text

General ShopSite user discussion

Images Alternate Text

Postby dortchjm » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:08 am

Is there an easier way to add "Alternate Text" to images other than going through the Image Editor and doing one at a time? ShopSite is verrrrrry slow and if I try to edit more than 5 at a time, it locks up the computer. BTW, I can do more than 5, but I have found 5 is about the limit if I want to make steady progress.

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Postby Jim » Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:23 am

The Images > Edit screen provides the only interface to directly change the alt text. The actual text is stored in a special file for each image in the media directory where the file resides. It might be possible to edit those files but would probably be more trouble than using the provided interface.

Note that the speed of ShopSite depends on lots of things. The speed of your internet connection, the speed of the machine your store is hosted on, the number of processes that that server handles, the speed of you desktop machine, etc. ShopSite will only be as fast as the slowest one of those components. So if you are experiencing slowness you need to check each of those components and see what can be done to speed it up.
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Postby BFChris » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:21 pm

What are you using for the alt text of your images? If it was something simple and uniform from product-to-product that's already in the Shopsite database (like the product name), you could just make a Custom Product template that refers to the appropriate tag, such as:

Code: Select all
<img src="[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.Graphic --]" alt="[-- PRODUCT.Name --]" />

I hope this helps.
~~Barefoot Chris
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Postby dortchjm » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:35 pm

I'm using the PRODUCT.Name and a custom template. Geeze, why didn't I think of that. It was going to take me days to get this last batch of images updated.

Thanks a bunch!
Posts: 119
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:24 pm

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