Once in a blue moon we get an order whose dollar figures are just plain wrong.
One thing we've seen is being able to check out without paying shipping. Haven't been able to reproduce that.
Here is a new one we've experienced today:
The product subtotal doesn't add up correctly:
Qty Name SKU Each Subtotal
1 Waterfall in Spring Wall Mural 2 364 $54.95 $54.95
1 Woodland Stream Door Mural AK1214 $24.95 $24.95
1 Waterfall Door Mural 2-1047 $29.95 $29.95
Subtotal $79.90
Shipping & Handling: UPS Ground $14.35
Taxable Amount $94.25
Tax Total $0.00
Grand Total $94.25
As you can see the product subtotal should be $109.95. I can't even begin to figure out how this could be reproduced.
Anybody else experiencing this? Couldn't find anything in the forum like this.
Using version 8.3.1