Changed some image sizes and now they look funky...

General ShopSite user discussion

Changed some image sizes and now they look funky...

Postby crgraphics » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:30 am

I changed a bunch of product images, and the main logo image, then uploaded them (ftp) into the media folder. Now the new images are stretched out or squashed. How do I re-set the pages that these modified images are attached to so they show properly? Thanks!
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Location: Marengo Illinois

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:41 am

First, you should select those images in your ShopSite's Images menu and use the Reset Attributes function. This should re-evaluate the images and determine their current physical dimensions to set in the attribute files used when generating the image tag in the pages.

Then, go to Utilities -> Publish and use the Regenerate function to update all of the .html pages in your store.

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