Product pages not updating, even with regenerate store

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Product pages not updating, even with regenerate store

Postby VDCUSA » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:12 pm

When making changes to the Product Info, the changes are saved to the Database, but when Publish is selected, ShopSite runs through the publish function. It displays any info per the settings (list unassigned products, google map indexing,etc)
***EDIT= i forgot to mention I am now getting a PARTIAL REINDEX message?
after publishing
"Generating Page [61:Probiotics & Acidophilus]...

Generating Page [131:Index]...

Partial Reindex
Indexing Product [37:Healthy Trinity Dairy-free by Natren - 60 Capsules Probiotics]...
Indexing Page [61:Probiotics & Acidophilus]...
Indexing Page [131:Index]...
Cleaning Environment
Closing All files

End of Partial Reindex." ****

However, the updated product page is not showing at the site.

So- to review these are the steps I am following:
At Back Office, Select Products
Look up specific SKU
Select Product/SKU and Select Edit Product Info
At one of the custom product data fields I make a change (typo for example)
I Save Changes
I hit the Publish tab
When viewed, the change is not happening in the textbased fields (however, image files are changing out)- at the exact same page.
This was working perfectly fine, up until this a.m., so I have seen it perform correctly.

I have tested in three different browsers, I have cleared my cache, I have shut down my machine completely, logged back into the Back Office and Regenerated the entire store.

The changes still will not publish at the product pages...any ideas?
I am freaked out! right in the midst of heavy dev and updates to all these pages.

Am using ShopSite 9.0.3, via a VERIO shared windows hosting plan. looked at server settings, crazy space available (and speed has not been an issue)
IDEAS? 'cause i am fresh out of any more troubleshooting ideas. I found an old post with same issue (from 2001?) here that appears was never answered (at forum)...

Vitamin Discount Center, LLC
Posts: 23
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Location: Tampa FL

Postby Jim » Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:05 am

Since your store is hosted by Verio you should contact them for support. If the first person you contact can't help you have them escalate the issue to a higher level of support. Their support can contact for help if needed.

Have you tried a complete republish of the store? Utilities > Publish > Regenerate All
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Postby VDCUSA » Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:52 am

I did contact them, as now there are other error screens with the order.cgi and cart functionality- specifically a message about store.auth file.
As I mentioned in my (admittedly) long post, I did follow those steps and regenerate the entire store.
Oddly, it will occasionally allow some product updates to publish. then, starts the same will save the information to the product database, but will not allow publish. I don't think it has to do with the number of skus (currently at 3600+) so much as how the server account and the shopsite license are not working together smoothly.

I appreciate your reply. If I get some tangible explanation out of Verio, I will definitely post it here (have seen other users with an account with them post here)- so hopefully it will help someone else if they run in to the same error.

Only other thought was that I noticed there is an upgrade v. 9.0.4 available, and I am still on 9.0.3.
From Shopsite's perspective, what is the advantage to that upgrade?
0k- thanks.
Vitamin Discount Center, LLC
Posts: 23
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Location: Tampa FL

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