how does the "tell a friend" form link to the corr

General ShopSite user discussion

how does the "tell a friend" form link to the corr

Postby Vernontnh » Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:40 pm

how does the "tell a friend" form link to the corresponding email files. I created a custom template for the form. I can submit and the window then goes blank. I then get a blank email notice.

The cookbook is nice, but the author forgot to include a lot of information. There is no indication how the email file works with the form. No way to know what to name it, where to store it, how it works at all. I can make a nice template by copying and pasting the code they provide, but it won't do me any good unless the two files can "talk" to each other. And for that I need at least some naming convention for the email file.

Any help would be most appreciated.


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Postby Jim » Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:44 pm

The tellafriend template contains several sections
Code: Select all
# This define is used to control how the Tell A Friend Input will look
# This defines how the Tell A Friend E-mail will look
# This defines how the Tell A Friend E-mail send screen will look

When a shopper clicks on a tell a friend link the first section of the template ([-- DEFINE TELL_A_FRIEND --] ) is read and displayed.

When the shopper fills in the email information on this form the second section of the template ([-- DEFINE TELL_A_FRIEND_EMAIL --] ) is read and the email created using that format and it is then sent.

When the email has been sent the 3rd section of the template ([-- DEFINE TELL_A_FRIEND_EMAIL_SENT --] ) is read and displayed to the shopper to let them know the email has been sent.

As long as you have all 3 sections of the template there is nothing else that you need to do. Since you got a blank screen after you submitted the form and the email you got was blank I assume that you do not have the last 2 sections of the template.
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