Shopsite 10 and PCI Compliance

General ShopSite user discussion

Shopsite 10 and PCI Compliance

Postby extragear » Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:05 am


We has our host, Lexiconn, upgrade our site to shopsite 10. So far everything looks ok. In the documentation, under


It states,

"Remote Orders Database (Pro, Manager, Starter)
Merchants who store sensitive customer information, such as credit card numbers, can configure ShopSite to store the sensitive order information in a remote database. Storing sensitive information on a remote server in an internal network zone is a PCI requirement."

Not sure what to make out of that. Does this mean there is a setting we need to change within shopsite? We currently download the order data and process the cc offline.


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Location: Binghamton, NY

Postby Jim » Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:22 am

Instead of the order data being kept in the same database as the pages, products, coupons etc. the orders can be kept on a remote server behind a firewall. It will have nothing to do with your downloading orders. You should talk to your host about using this feature. They would need to setup a postgres database on another server and allow you to connect to that server. If you use this feature you would need to do some configuration within ShopSite to let ShopSite know where and how to access the database.
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Postby extragear » Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:02 pm


Thanks for the reply.

I contacted our host, Lexiconn, and they stated in our case this
wasn't applicable because the database is not web accessible.


Posts: 169
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:53 am
Location: Binghamton, NY

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