All CGI Scripts fail w/ Internal Server Error

General ShopSite user discussion

All CGI Scripts fail w/ Internal Server Error

Postby shaiss » Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:09 pm

store URL = ... index.html

Permission are 755 on the SS and SC directories as well as there children file.

The Shopsite 7.1 linux zip file was uploaded in binarry to the server and extracted on the server using the cPanel file manager.

All CGI Scripts return an Internal Server 500 error and the appache error log shows no info on what the error is.

Any help would be appreciated.
thank you,
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:16 pm

Postby Jim » Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:41 pm

Is the server a Linux server?
Does the server allow cgi's as executables/
Did the store ever work or is this a new install?
If moved from another server did you reset the symlinks in the ss and sc directories since they normally aren't maintained in a move.

Does the server where the store is hosted belong to a ShopSite partner or is it your own server? If a Partner you should contact them for support. If your own you should contact ShopSite for assistance. You can purchase support at
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Postby shaiss » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:23 am

Jim wrote:Is the server a Linux server?

Jim wrote:Does the server allow cgi's as executables/

Jim wrote:Did the store ever work or is this a new install?
If moved from another server did you reset the symlinks in the ss and sc directories since they normally aren't maintained in a move.

New Install setup per the shopsite instructions.

Jim wrote:Does the server where the store is hosted belong to a ShopSite partner or is it your own server? If a Partner you should contact them for support. If your own you should contact ShopSite for assistance. You can purchase support at

Its hosted with InMotion hosting, they are not a shopsite partner. Our last option is to pay for support as its fairly pricey.
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:16 pm

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:54 am

If you have shell access on the server, try running the cgi's from the commandline, i.e. in the cgi-bin/ss/ directory try running something like ./start.cgi and see what the response is. If it is working properly it should result in something like 'No Method!'. If it generates a segmentation fault then the cgi is probably corrupted (or installed incorrectly so that the library dependencies aren't found, which you should be able to determine if you run the ldd command on one of the cgi files).

If it works from the commandline, then whatever is preventing it from running is something that your webserver doesn't like, such as wrong ownership or permissions, or the directory that it is executing out of is not configured to execute cgis.

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