Jim wrote:I don't know when that functionality will be included directly in ShopSite, but
one of the reasons for the Inventory API is to allow the merchant to do orderoption by sku. See the last paragraph of the spec.
So in ShopSite you would still enter the order options the same way but your API script would look in your database by order option and return a sku for the combined options selected. The order would then show the new sku so your stock pickers could pick by sku and your inventory would be updated by your API script based on the options selected.
The problem (let me know if the API addresses this) is, say I have
a shirt, and have in stock 1 small, 5 medium, 10 large. I'd like the
online shopper to be able to order as many as are available of each
size. Currently, we have to set the inventory number to the smallest
number available, so we don't over-sell an item.
- dc