Implementing Priority Mail New Rates 6/30/02

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Implementing Priority Mail New Rates 6/30/02

Postby Larry Bohen » Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:31 am

I am curious how other ShopSite users will be implementing the new rates.

Here's the current (prior to 6/30/02) Priority Mail rates:

Weight Rate
Up to 1 pound $3.50
Up to 2 pounds $3.95
Up to 3 pounds $5.20
Up to 4 pounds $6.45
Up to 5 pounds $7.70

Here's the new (effective 6/30/02) Priority Mail rates:

Weight Local 4 5 6 7 8
Not Zones
Over 1,2,3
1 $3.85 $ 3.85 -------------------------------->
2 $3.95 $ 4.55 $ 4.90 $ 5.05 $ 5.40 $ 5.75 (range +
3 $4.75 $ 6.05 $ 6.85 $ 7.15 $ 7.85 $ 8.55 (range
4 $5.30 $ 7.05 $ 8.05 $ 8.50 $ 9.45 $10.35 (range
5 $5.85 $ 8.00 $ 9.30 $ 9.85 $11.00 $12.15 (range

As you can see, there is significant increase in rates (except for Local
Zones) and significant variation in the new rates from Local Zones through
Zone 8 for each weight. Customers expect that they will know the total cost
of an order, including shipping, prior to clicking on [Finalize Order]. Our
shipping cost (and therefore the cost to our customer) is significantly
affected by replacing the current flat rate schedule (up to five pounds)
with the new zone schedule over one pound.

Currently ShopSite SC Pro v6 isn't "smart" enough to recognize a customer's
Ship To ZIP code and charge accordingly.
Larry Bohen

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