So I am trying to create a custom template. I understand how it works and that you need to add tags. If you take a look at my site You will notice that the only pages that are run by shopsite is my shopping pages. I have three vehicle categories on the front page, Mustang GT, GT500 and Mustang V6. Once you click on the vehicle that you desire it takes you to a page with parts categories. There is a seperate parts category for each vehicle. So they are all a little different. This page is not in shopsite. For the links on my custom template shopping pages, I want the links on the side just like the front page but also include the parts categories. The thing is that the links on the side need to go to the parts specific to each vehicle. How do I do this? If you notice my shopping pages now on the sidebar it has a long list of all the shopping pages that I have. But I dont want it to say GT, GT500 or V6 in front of the page names for the links. On the side bar I want link name Engine, Exhaust, Induction/Fuel, Interior Accessories, Exterior Accessories, Brakes, Power Adders, Suspension, Drivetrain and Computer . This are the only links I want on the side bar. But like i said these links have to go the specific parts page for each individual car. I am very new to this so please bear with me. Thanks.