Old Pages Showing Up When FTPing in

General ShopSite user discussion

Old Pages Showing Up When FTPing in

Postby extragear » Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:28 pm


I've notice what I would call old pages in the main www directory. (The directory that contains our store pages and product pages.) These old pages appear to be old product pages.

For example, product123.html

I can find these pages if I look up the url directly. Example,


The pages dont correlate to anything you would find via the Shopsite backend. They can only be found when I ftp into the directory.

So my questions are,

1. Should these be deleted?
2. Is there a setting in Shopsite that would delete these pages upon regeneration.

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Location: Binghamton, NY

Postby Jim » Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:54 pm

When you delete a product you are given the option to delete the associated moreinfo page (which a page with a name like product123.html would be). If the option is not taken then the page will remain and there is no way in ShopSite to remove it. (Well, you could create a page with that file name in ShopSite pages area and then delete that page but that would be difficult to do if you have lots of these orphan pages)

If your store is entirely generated by ShopSite publish you can delete all your html pages for your store and ShopSite will regenerate them on the next publish. However, if you have pages that you manually placed in the directory by ftp or some other means then you need to be careful when deleting pages so your non-ShopSite pages aren't deleted.
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