UPS Realtime vs UPS Invoice

General ShopSite user discussion

UPS Realtime vs UPS Invoice

Postby coffeeman » Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:44 am

We are consistently charded 25 to 60 cents more per shipment on our UPS invoice then Shopsite using UPS realtime is calculating. Any ideas? I will also ask UPS and our Shopsite vendor.

LATER: Never mind. It's because in Shopsite product tables we have not been including the weight of cardboard packaging in the product weight. So, we have to decide whether to include it (probably as a handling charge so as not confuse the customer (one pound of coffee is one pound) or to eat it because the shipping charge is already a deterent to ecommerce shopping for coffee.
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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:53 am

In general, the weight you specify for the ShopSite product is not displayed to the shopper. So unless you have developed a custom product template or something that does pull the value of the weight field to display to the shopper, then you can increase the weight of the product to account for the packaging and the shopper will not see it.

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