ShopSite Backoffice Password

General ShopSite user discussion

ShopSite Backoffice Password

Postby CarolA » Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:59 pm

Shopsite requests a user id and password to access the back office. We've just realized that it's not requiring an exact password to get in. It seems to only be validating the first x number of characters of the password.

Is this a ShopSite issue, or is this something I need to contact my web host about? We're on ShopSite Pro 9.0.2, running on a unix server.
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Postby loren_d_c » Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:10 pm

ShopSite uses the webserver's 'Basic Authentication' mechanism for password-protecting the backoffice. The significant numbers of characters in the password would be a webserver (i.e. your host) issue, not something that can be changed by ShopSite.

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Postby CarolA » Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:59 pm

That's what I needed to know - thanks Loren!
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Postby CarolA » Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:58 am

Okay, I'm back. Verio's my web host, and they worked on this quite a while yesterday. Below is their response. I know that your site says for support, we should work through our host. Should I contact Verio back and have them pursue this with ShopSite directly? Thanks.

Thanks for contacting support. We were talking about your problem with the last few characters of your password not mattering in shopsite. Shopsite told you it was server configuration, but we've tested and that doesn't seem to be the case. For instance, try going to <removed>.com/test. There's a directory there we protected with the same username and password as shopsite, and with the same type of password files. It requires all ten characters be correct.

So I can duplicate your problem, but only in shopsite. In other directories, it checks the entire password.

Which leads us back to shopsite. I don't want you to feel like we're brushing you off, however. You can take this information back to shopsite to show them it isn't a general server configuration problem, or you can ask us to and we'll do that for you.

Let us know if you need us to continue being involved with the problem.
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