General ShopSite user discussion


Postby juliasneedledesigns » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:45 am

I sell digitally delivered products. I do not use an outside credit card merchant -- just paypal. The problem is this -- My customers are not returned to an auto download link when payment is complete. I have seen this feature in other shopping cart sites but not with shopsite. My customers presently receive an email with download links.
My host is VERIO and their support is not that great. In fact, the last time I had trouble I was told that it was presumed that I would know how to use the shopping cart and that their help was minimal.
I would like to find a way around this paypal issue so that my customers can receive instant download links without have to wait for an email.
Also, I have several people not recieving the shopping cart emails. I am frustrated with this. It is mainly AOL, COX, and a couple more....
Please help me
Cindy Russell
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:28 am


Postby BFChris » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:00 am

Hi Cindy,

In the Digital Download Configuration, do you have "Include URLs on Thank You Screen" checked?

As for the e-mails, this really isn't Shopsite-related. You could ask your host to move you to a different mail server, in case the one you are on (and probably share with others) has been blacklisted by some ISPs for bulk sending. You can also put a note on your website asking customers to whitelist you or add you to their e-mail address book to ensure they receive important order-related e-mails.

Of course, if your host isn't cooperative, that might not be possible. Lexiconn is a great host for Shopsite--very knowledgeable and helpful.
~~Barefoot Chris
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Postby loren_d_c » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:10 am

What PayPal method are you using in your ShopSite?

With the older PayPal Website Payments Standard method, the shopper completes their payment on the PayPal site, so the normal ShopSite thankyou screen is not displayed, so the setting the previous replier mentioned would not have any effect with this method.

With PayPal Express Checkout, however, the shopper is sent over to PayPal to login to their PayPal account and choose their payment method, etc, then they are returned to the ShopSite shopping cart to finalize their order, so with this method the shopper would see your ShopSite thankyou receipt screen with the download links when they completed their order.

There are also PayPal Website Payments Pro and PayPal Payflow Pro options listed down in the Processor section of the Commerce Setup -> Payment menu in ShopSite. These are PayPal's direct payment gateway API's, which means the shopper enters their Mastercard, Visa, etc number in your ShopSite shopping cart and ShopSite sends that info in the background to PayPal servers for validation/processing, and the shopper never sees/knows that it is PayPal processing their credit card. These methods would also show the normal ShopSite thankyou receipt screen when the shopper completes their order, however these kinds of accounts require that you apply for them with PayPal and they have a different fee structure than regular PayPal transactions.

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