Subproducts with Varying Quantities

General ShopSite user discussion

Subproducts with Varying Quantities

Postby dZi » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:29 am

I must not be the only person that needs Subproducts listed with items to have varying quanitities.

For example if you have one toy car, that has the subproduct extra wheel. You want to include 4 of those extra wheels, but they are all the same SKU. I'm not sure how you would do that without having to create different SKUs therefore messing up your inventory, marketing, and financial records.


These Subproducts have a set number of quantities not to be changed by the customer. It is a set Kit, with components.
Posts: 96
Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:10 pm

Postby bookman » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:39 am

One possible solution is some custom code. I have a similiar situation where we sell sweater kits made from yarn already in inventory. The kits come in S/M/L/XL sizes with varying numbers of skeins of yarn. I wrote some custom code that reads all the subproduct quantities and then creates js objects one for each color with flags to indicate that that color (subproduct) is available in that size. When a user selects a size the color list is updated to display the colors that have at least the required number of skeins for that size. Sounds complicated but really is not.

In your case, suppose you have a car kit that requires 4 wheels and a truck kit that requires 10 wheels and that if you do not have enough wheels for a kit you want to mark it as out of stock. Then you would just need to check the number of wheels available (on the fly) and set the out of stock flag if the number is less than the number required. You can read how to do this at

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Postby dZi » Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:45 am

I think we are on the same page, but just to make sure...

I would expect that when adding Subproducts to a product you would be able to list how many of each subproduct were included, therefore creating a kit or bundle.

If I have a car and want to include 4 extra wheels, I really can't, cause I can't specify quantities of subproduct, I would only be able to add one wheel.

I mean, yes I could create a product that had four wheels, but that would be really redundant and not the proper way to track and record such inventory.

I don't see why the Shopsite team can't have the ability to specify subproduct seems like this is an important feature with people who sell Kits and Bundles.
Posts: 96
Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:10 pm

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