Enable Inventory Control & Search Results

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Enable Inventory Control & Search Results

Postby ay81 » Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:00 pm

Hi guys,

I just recently registered with a new hosting site that came with shopsite and I am trying to set up a ecommerce website. My problem is I have my template created on website design software and I find the shopsite templates to be very limiting. The only way I could incorporate shopshite into my webpage is thru the "order anywhere" button for each item which then directs customers to the shopping cart and shopsite checkout page. (I am only using these two pages from shopsite.) I am not publishing my store because I wanted to use my own design. I will be promoting my "main" website with shopsite item links. However my concerns are if I'm not utilizing the shopsite pages will this jeopardize my Google search results? I sell many designer beauty products so its not just items that fit into one category.

Also I am currently using Shopsite 8.3 (manager pro)and I cannot find the inventory control options. I've searched the forums and followed the instructions:

Product>Poweredit> (NO inventory control button!!) :shock:

Any help you guys can give me will be much appreciated!

Annie :wink:
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:41 pm

Postby Jim » Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:43 pm

I'm not sure what your first question is? The ShopSite template language is very powerful in what it allows you to do but does take some time to get familiar with it. Order Anywhere buttons are a fine way to convert pages created in another application to work with ShopSite. I don't think that it would have any impact on Google ratings.

If you have a ShopSite Pro store then you can enable inventory tracking under Preferences > Inventory Tracking and you will see 3 fields under Products > Edit Product layout for setting the Quantity on Hand:,
Low Stock threshold: and Out of Stock limit: for the product.

If you have a Starter or Manager version of ShopSite you won't find either of these fields.
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Postby ay81 » Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:14 pm

Hi Jim,

Thanks for your speedy reply. Sorry if I sound confusing with my first q as I am literally designing my ecommerce website from scratch. This is a huge undertaking for me because I'm semi illiterate when it comes to html.

I upgraded from starter to manager specially gain more features and I still don't get inventory control? Thats really absurd...

Also I stumbled upon another question on my checkout screen. Say if a customer was to click the link of an item, which page of my store is that linked to? Would it be the More Item Info Page? I specially create one for one of my items yet it doesn't appear when I click on the item link in the checkout screen. Sorry for the silly questions but I really can't figure this one out :P
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Postby Jim » Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:25 am

You can see the features in each level of ShopSite on the page

In a Manager level store the search links will only go to ShopSite generated pages that contain the product. In a Pro level store you can set the search destination to go to a ShopSite generated page with the product on it, the product's more information page or a URL that you specify.

To use the ShopSite search with pages that are using Order Anywhere links on pages you create outside of ShopSite you would need to be able to specify the url for the page your product is on since ShopSite won't know where that page is. This would require a Pro level store since that is the only level that has the ability to specify a URL for the search destination.
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