Javascripts and ShopSite

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Javascripts and ShopSite

Postby psldesigns » Fri May 30, 2008 8:44 am

I am in need of javascript help -- i am not good in this area and a couple people i contacted were afraid of ShopSite. So i'm hoping someone out there can recommend someone who can write javascripts and knows how to apply them in ShopSite (we are willing to pay of course). Here are a couple things I need:

1. Manufacturer is stored in a custom product field. I need a script that will count how many different manufacturers there are in an order, and display that amount on the customer email confirmation and order confirmation page (to let the customer know how many shipments they are getting).

2. Want a link in the customer email confirmation and order confirmation page that sends an email and the subject defaults to the order number.

3. Ability to upload an image and have it somehow tied to the order.

4. Product has many options. One is printed return address. If yes is choosen on printed return address, want three text boxes to pop up for customer to fill in this info. It can then be passed to the freeopt box, but the intent here is that they can ONLY fill out the printed return address boxes if they pick it (as it has an extra charge).

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Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:06 pm
Location: Michigan

Postby loren_d_c » Fri May 30, 2008 10:00 am

#2 doesn't require JavaScript at all, just a mailto link in your custom shopping cart template (assuming you are using a custom shopping cart template). The order number is available on the thankyou screen and HTML email receipts via a custom template tag, so you could add it to the subject of the mailto link via this template tag. Something like this:

Code: Select all
<a href=" Regarding Order Number [-- ThankYouOrderNumber --]">Email us a question about your order</a>

#3 would require more than JavaScript. It would require a server-side script to upload the image to the server, and perhaps you could link to the script, or even put the upload filed that submits the file to the script, on the thankyou page. You could use JavaScript to determine if there is a product in the cart that needs or allows for an upload (assuming that not all products do) and only displays the link or upload form if it does. You can tie it to the order by passing your custom upload script the order number (which you can get via the JavaScript variables or via the custom template tag for the order number) and you upload script can make the order number part of the filename of the final file that is uploaded. My guess is that someone has already done something like this with ShopSite, but I don't know who/where.

Note: I am not a JavaScript expert.

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