Getting redirected to my Secure Server

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Getting redirected to my Secure Server

Postby lordofdirt » Fri May 16, 2008 8:33 am


The image above is from my shopsite store. The problem I've been having with my search is that those buttons have a url of "https://... .cgi" which redirects me to the secure server.

How can I change the code on these buttons to get rid of the "https:" url?

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Joined: Fri May 16, 2008 8:19 am

Postby Jim » Fri May 16, 2008 9:30 am

Is the image from a search screen? I'm assuming that it is. IF that is the case then it is using the secure url because your store is configured to have the shopping cart urls secure. (search uses a shopping cart cgi) The way to fix the problem would be to get your host to fix your install so the shopping cart cgis do not need to be run securely.
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Postby lordofdirt » Fri May 16, 2008 9:43 am

Well, wouldn't that cause my shopping cart to be unsecured?

Also, when I use the search feature on my webpage it takes me to a regular, unsecured "http://" location. But as soon as I click on one of the buttons it redirects to the secure site.

It would be nice to change the security on my search pages, because it makes the site look bad when a message pops up every time I click one of the buttons saying "there are unsecure images on this page, would you like to display the unsecure images."

Also, would it work if I changed the files to my secure server in the search template? The whole plan really is just to get rid of the dialogue box that pops up.
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Postby Jim » Fri May 16, 2008 9:54 am

The first screen of the shopping cart does not need to be secure, there is nothing on that screen that is tied to an individual.

ShopSite will used the secure url, configured in the backoffice of the store (Preferences > Hosting services ), when it accesses a screen that would require the shopper to enter personal information. These screens are the registration screens and the billing/shipping screen.

Because your host configured your store in an unusual manner it causes both the first shopping cart screen and the search screens to be secure. This is unnecessary and a waste of server and bandwidth resources since it is encrypting data that doesn't need to be encrypted. Talk to your host and have them configure it so that this is not the case. If they need assistance in doing them have them contact the ShopSite support department.
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