Jim (Admin),
To make a long story short, my client had my colleagues and I completely overhaul her website and make a new one.
Right now, I have an index file located in the root, www/htdocs/ directory, that auto-redirects customers elsewhere away from www.mulberrystreetgifts.com while we work.
NOW we are ready. But all of the www.mulberrystreetgifts.com's files are located in the www/htdocs/store directory, which, as I understand, is the only location where the site will work correctly with Shopsite?
Can I move my site up to the root, www/htdocs now at this point without breaking the shopping cart etc.?
p.s. I may have mentioned already, but if you go to http://www.mulberrystreetgifts.com/store you'll bypass the redirect and see our final web site.
p.p.s I guess another way of viewing the problem is,
customers shouldn't have to go to www.mulberrystreetgifts.com/store,
but www.mulberrystreetgifts.com to see the site. BUT when I delete the index.html which contains the meta-redirect, I see the file structure.
p.p.p.s. Maybe I have totally confused you?