html links

General ShopSite user discussion

html links

Postby rgrstvr » Sun May 11, 2008 5:03 pm

Our product list is a spreadsheet which we intend to periodically and constantly revise and download into ShopSite.

But it is my understanding that the only way to add HTML links to the ShopSite product descriptions is to use an HTML editor such as DreamWeaver(alive) or FrontPage(dying).

But we have thousands of products and it would not be practical to revise the HTML links every time we revise and download the list of products to ShopSite.

How can we keep the links once they have been added to the products with an HTML editor?
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Location: Perris, California 92570

Postby loren_d_c » Sun May 11, 2008 8:00 pm

You can add HTML (as text) in a field in your spreadsheet and upload it with the rest of your product data into ShopSite.

Also, if you do happen to create the HTML using an HTML editor and paste it into a ShopSite product field (such as Product Description), as long as you don't upload a field called Product Description or Description in your product imports (or some other field that you assign as the description field in the upload process), then that field will not be touched when the product is updated. If your upload file only contains fields you want to update, the other product fields should not be changed as a result of the upload.

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