form to email

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form to email

Postby DavidM » Wed May 07, 2008 8:47 am

I need to include a form on my site to gather information for customized pump and motor assemblies. What it the preferred method for incorporating a form in ShopSite?

I'm hosted at Lexiconn and have Pro 9.03
I have a form mail perl script that I could set up. Where would I find the settings for this like $sendmail path etc?
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Postby CarolA » Wed May 07, 2008 5:48 pm

I don't remember seeing a "preferred method" for using a form with shopsite, but maybe there's one.

I'm using a form to email/database cgi script. I have the script installed in my cgi-bin on the server. I have the html code for the form on various pages on my site, but they are non-shopsite pages. I don't know if you can insert html code like that into the predefined text fields on a shop-site generated page. You could use a custom template page I guess?

Anyway, as far as the path to sendmail, for me, that just depended on the host and where they stored that stuff. It wasn't related to ShopSite. I actually had to call my host and ask them where it was. I don't use Lexiconn - maybe someone that does can say what their standard install is.
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Postby Jim » Wed May 07, 2008 7:40 pm

Did you try looking on the Preferences > Hosting Services page at the very bottom for the field called "Sendmail Location:" ;-)

Lexiconn could also tell you where it is and probably give you advice on how to configure your pages to use it.
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Postby BRITANUCK » Thu May 08, 2008 6:36 am

Just like Carol said,

I have a number of forms set up on my site that just use forms the old fashioned way with a form and a text file in my cgi folder on my ftp.

Customer comments, contact and email newsletter signup each use their own small text file.

No need for including anything within shopsite. Just create a non shopsite page with the required form on it. and hae the form call on the cgi text file to process each field that you have on your form. Text field or radio buttons etc.

If you need an example script, let me know. I'll post an example that i use on my site.
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Postby DavidM » Thu May 08, 2008 11:05 am

Ok, thanks for all your replys! I'll give it a rip and contact Lexiconn if there are any problems.
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon May 05, 2008 7:31 pm

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