I am linking to a page that contains a list of books not a more info page. Easier to see than explain. You can see my staging site at
If you then do a search on "parents" you will see the search page with two items. I took your advice and did some JS magic and that works fine.
The problem is that the site contains multiple domains. For instance you can go to
http://www.csstage.com/yarns/zitron/zi_loft.htm (this page is broken at present) and do a search on "parents" again and the seach engine returns the same items.
Also, you will notice that the search engine runs in the bnstage domain which is the root domian for the site. Each shop on the site is a subdirectory of the root and has its own domain. This is the reason for the url fixup so that the link back to the page containing the information about a product found in the seach returns to the correct domain. Without it, the process is pretty easy but the user would wind up in bnstage not the real domain. Not sure if that is clear.
The reason behind all this is that we have considerable time and money invested in these domains not to mention the links all over the web that have accumulated in the last 10 years or so, so we want to take advantage of that in our move to SS. A further constraint is that we want the user to be able to move among the domains retaining the same shopping cart, something that our users are used to doing.