Only Some Product/More Info Pages Not Updating After Publish

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Only Some Product/More Info Pages Not Updating After Publish

Postby DaisyGM » Thu May 01, 2008 3:01 pm


Hope someone can help with this odd issue. I think its a bug in the system :P

So, I created a custom template and assigned it to about 30+ products. Then, clicked publish.

Result: So far, I've found 3 pages that didn't take the change! All others are just great.

I checked out the PHP of the culprits and its also off, compared to the new PHP pages who have the correct css, js tags.. etc - THE CHANGES :D

I'm not sure why it skipped these three products. Oh, also Shopsite shows them as updated. The new template is selected when you view the product's page layout. But in reality it is not (site).

Hope someone can help me solve this mystery? Bug or Mistake?

Thanks in advance,

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu May 01, 2008 2:52 pm

Postby Jim » Thu May 01, 2008 7:40 pm

Do you have different page templates (not moreinfo page) that some products are assigned to? If so and they are using a custom template that template may be overriding the product template that is assigned to the product. That will result in the more information page getting published using a different product template.
The custom page template can use a loop section like this
[-- loop products --]
[-- product <template> --]
[-- end_loop products --]

The middle line above specifies that the products use the <template> specified instead of the one that is actually assigned to the product. This can result in different moreinformation pages since the moreinformation page will only be generated once during a publish and it uses what ever the first product template encountered.
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