Internal Server Error when I click on "Add to Cart Butt

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Internal Server Error when I click on "Add to Cart Butt

Postby jontaco » Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:36 pm

Please help me:

When I test my site, and click an "add to Cart" button to add a product to the shopping cart page, I receive an "Internal Server Error".

Am I right assuming that the Shopping Cart page is connected somehow to the order.cgi file in the cgi-bin?

If so I may be closer to figuring out the problem.

Would the fact that I downloaded this CGI file as ASCII and uploaded it again be part of the problem with the shopping cart? Because I recently discovered that some files must be up/downloaded via FTP as binary and not ASCII.

I do not know the first thing about CGI files but I believe very strongly that tampering with order.cgi may have screwed up the shopping cart.

Additionally, I checked my latest log file. Among many other unrelated errors, I received this which may be important:

"Premature end of script headers: /usr/home/****/www/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi"

any CGI gurus out there or somehow who actually knows how to create a shopping cart page, please help.

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Location: Huntsville, AL

Postby Jim » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:45 pm

Yes, order.cgi is the may code for processing the shopping cart screen in the ShopSite order process.

All ShopSite cgis are compiled code and must be transferred in binary mode when using ftp.

The shopping cart page is created by order.cgi which reads the layout information for the page from a custom template that is specified on the Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout setting. So you need the valid order.cgi for your version of ShopSite as well as an appropriate template for the cart to work.
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Retrieving valid order.cgi

Postby jontaco » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:08 pm

Thanks Jim.

Is there some way I can retrieve a valid order.cgi?

I went to Preference > Hosting Service and the Shopping Cart URL is pointing to ""

So the problem has to be in the CGI file.

Is there somehwhere I can download the valid CGI file?

Thanks Again.
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Location: Huntsville, AL

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:54 am

Contact your host if they installed the store for you or the ShopSite sales department if you purchased it directly. Either one should be able to tell you where to get the file.
You will need to know exactly which version of ShopSite you are using, this info can be obtained by clicking on the green ShopSite tab in the backoffice of the store and looking in the footer.
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