Odd Image Problem with Shopsite

General ShopSite user discussion

Odd Image Problem with Shopsite

Postby Packer » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:51 am

Hello All, Once again.
We have successfully uploaded all of the products to ShopSite, and we are beginning to upload the images. However, we have discovered that if we upload an image, attatch it to a product and later decide that we dont like the image and it needs to be changed, we face a problem.

When we call a new image exactly the same file name (e.g Old = CBB.jpg, New = CBB.jpg) and upload it to the same place as the original *thus overwriting*, we expect the new image to show when we look at the product on our website.

This isnt what happens however. We see the old image, and it never updates, we have tried a full regeneration. But to no avail.

Is there a way round this? Or a proper way to replace an image?
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Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:22 am

Postby CarolA » Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:11 pm

Are you using the "upload an image" button in "Images" in ShopSite to upload your image? Or are you just ftp-ing it over? I do the first, and haven't had a problem. There's something about the image upload, and I remember reading in a past post or something that you should use that rather than ftp. Or if you ftp, you then should do a reset on the attributes through the Images page. I'm not positive on the latter, but I'd say always use the Images Upload function, if you're not. Someone from ShopSite could provide a better answer I'm sure - but I thought I'd jump in here with what I know.
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