The order in ShopSite, which also downloaded to our StoneEdge order manager, was for the diabetic shoe, so at first we thought she just made a mistake... until she forwarded us her receipt.
Below is the text of her email receipt and a screenshot of the order page in Shopsite (sensitive info removed)
Thank you for your business!
Order Number: 11922
Billing Address:
Mrs. asdfasdf asdf asdf
address here
sssss, aa 131313
United States
The shipping address is the same as the above address
Comments / More Information
Ordering Instructions
Qty Name SKU Each Subtotal
1 Columbia Aquatooth - Mud 17 M COL-BM4215-Mud17M $74.95
Subtotal $74.95
Shipping: UPS Ground $9.85
Tax Total $0.00
Grand Total $84.80
Payment type: Visa
Please come again!
Store URL:
This store is powered by ShopSite web catalog software.
We've had several orders that we noticed preauthorized for a different amount than the order, so I'm thinking that this happened multiple times in the past week and we just haven't heard from those customers yet.
This is obviously a very expensive and serious problem. Was this a problem with ShopSite? We just upgraded to 9.0.3 from 9.0.2 -- could that have caused it?